Bienvenido a mi DA! Gracias por pasarte por aquí!
Espero que te gusten mis creaciones! ;D
Mi Blog... Dulce Naranjada~:
Nombre: Llamame... Ai (?)
Edad: 14 añazos!
Ocupación: Estudiante de Secundaria =w=
Otras cosas: Me encanta el manga y el anime! >w
Parate y mira...
No cambies de canal! xDDWelcome to my DA! Thank you for passing hereabouts!
I hope that you like my creations!; D
My Blog... Sweet Orange-juice~: (Is in spanish x-x)
Dates of me:
Name: Call me... Ai (?)
Edad: 14 years! :3
Ocupacion: Student of Secondary =w=
Other things: I am charmed with the manga and encourage! >w
Parate and gun-sight...
Do not change channel! XDD
Current Residence: In the Tardis ★~
Favourite genre of music: Pop, rock, techno...
Favourite style of art: He... Manga
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Favourite cartoon character: Orugan School, TGAC, shugo chara, lucky star, Nana, Death Note, Ao no Exorcist...
Personal Quote: The Time Lady ♣~