[[FREE Pattern]] Home is Where My Butt iscathartic-dream on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cathartic-dream/art/FREE-Pattern-Home-is-Where-My-Butt-is-380572847cathartic-dream

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[[FREE Pattern]] Home is Where My Butt is


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So I was looking through some folders full of old screenshots and saved images that I failed to organize (no, seriously, I still have around 100,000 to sort through, that I know of, at least), and found this adorable Pusheen image. Instantly I decided it would make an awesome cross-stitch, so I decided to make it. : D

I hope you enjoy.~ Show me when you're finished, I'd love to see it completed. :3
Image size
1188x649px 49.97 KB
© 2013 - 2025 cathartic-dream
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katpissez's avatar


I'll be starting work on this today or tomorrow! eeee

(& bless you for offering it free-- I mean, I know you can't necessarily sell it since pusheen isn't your creation and that would copyright, but I know there are some people who'd try and charge 10 bucks for this anyways..

can I offer you some kind of donation, either paypal or dA? I'd make it equivalent to 5 bucks.. if you want ((I just think you deserve something for being AMAZING)))

p.s. what program did you use to convert/make this? I've just been using graphing paper D: