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Cataclysm-X's avatar

Jensen - Details



Several people (you know who you are ;)) requested some close ups of my drawing of Jensen Ackles.

What drawing?!

This drawing!!

So here are a few of the details. You can check out how I drew the hair and coloured his eyes (or well... here you can see 1 eye only).
The original was drawn on A4 size. These close ups are like... 4 times the size of the original, which is the reason why it all looks so grainy.

Have fun watching :) if you really want to know how exactly I drew these parts, you better check my tutorials! (<--- shameless self advertisement!)

And please don't steal (for your own sake!). This drawing is copyrighted to me! :w00t:
I'm not afraid to chase after you! Ye are warned :lol:

P.S.: I know a LOT of people requested this drawing as a print, but since I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to sell prints of this particular image I used to draw from, I just leave it this way. Sorry :shrug:
Image size
800x800px 422.39 KB
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PurrfectPurridise's avatar
That moment when you know his face so well your like "wait is that Jensen??"