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Attack On Titan Waist Skirt Tutorial




So by some miracle I got time to throw the waist skirt tutorial together that many have been asking me to make. Its honestly not the best because unlike the harnesses where I knew I was going to make a tutorial on how I made them, I didn't know I was going to make a tutorial on the waist skirt until after I was done with it. I will probably make a better one since I'm going to be helping a few friends make their harnesses and waist skirts so I can make a better tutorial that will probably be more helpful. Though that isn't going to happen until around thanksgiving maybe so here is one that I hope will help somewhat.

Also I totally forgot to add that the waist skirt is held together by strong ass Velcro. I tried skirt clips but those didn't work out too well for me. You can try the skirt clips or you can get strong ass Velcro it honestly depends on the type of fabric you use for the waist skirt.

Harness Tutorial part 1: casuallydisregarding.deviantar…
Harness Tutorial part 2: casuallydisregarding.deviantar…
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1000x2592px 1.24 MB
© 2013 - 2024 CasuallyDisregarding
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Hi i was just wondering if you said to use 2 or 3 yards of material, or 2/3s of a yard? 2 or 3 yards sounds like a LOT for just the skirt...