Case Study 1castsandfeet on DeviantArt

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castsandfeet's avatar

Case Study 1



Another piece inspired by sharkycast and excilion original characters. Young med student Sarah is doing more field research for her thesis paper "The Advanced Treatment of Broken Toes" with her adviser and world renowned orthopedic podiatrist, Professor Lily ( who sounds a lot like lilylovestoes to me). Lily, the foremost expert in her field is showing Sarah a series of interesting cases to review from her own pool of patients and this is the first. 

I would love to hear any ideas about who this patient is and what happened to her poor toes...
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3300x2550px 1.19 MB
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GoneToEarth24's avatar
What's happening with her pinkie toes?  It looks like they are not connected to... whatever that apparatus is!