CONTEST CLOSED! Good luck everyone!

18 min read

Deviation Actions

CAStock's avatar
For my art account please visit :iconcassiopeiaart:

This journal design and CSS belongs to bewarecalamity

Challenge is offically closed

Thank you all of you who took time and effort to join this challenge! All and all there are now 24 entries fighting for the prizes. Let the judging begin :boogie: Best of luck to everyone!!

(Due to that i still have no internet for another few weeks the judging will take at least 2 weeks. Sorry about this, please be patient)

No internet - no dA

STILL no internet and now we have found out it's going to take ANOTHER 2-3 weeks!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH :angered: I'm so sorry all of you fab people that are waiting for prizes and comments from me, you will get it as soon as I possibly can. :blushes:

I also want to thank all watchers and favers, it means a lot and I'm sorry I don't have the time to thank you all personally. Thank you all of you for your support :blowkiss:

Holiday Challenge - closed

Official News article about this challenge


:heart:Entries so far:heart:

:star:The challenge:star:
I have selected 9 stock photos from my gallery, the challenge is to use at least one of them (or several or all) in a photo manipulation or as reference for creating something themed "Winter". Anyhting that has to do with the winter season in any way is allowed. You have to include a small explanation of the winter themed work in the description underneath your work. As long as the explanation makes sense about why your picture is connected to winter (if it's not obvious in your image of course) it will be accepted as an entry. Use your imagination!

I'll be judging the entries mainly on impact on viewer, meaning something you go "wow" when you see. I will also add extra positive points for entries that has followed all the rules without getting any remiders or corrections from me and for entries that also contains stock from any of my stock sisters; steppelandstock, Bnspyrd and/or LucieG-Stock

Any skill level is accepted so please join in no matter how much experience you have!!

:star:The Rules:star:
You have to use one or more of the following stock photos:
Japan - shrine by CAStock Desert 3 by CAStock Forest dryad 2 by CAStock
Forest altar by CAStock Old library by CAStock
Girl statue by CAStock Louvre 5 by CAStock
White orchid by CAStock Old cottage 2 by CAStock

Challenge running time starts at 22nd December 2008 and closes at 1 March 2009 at 12 pm GMT. Make sure to get your results in before then!

:bulletred:Your entry must be a new work not uploaded to dA before 22nd Dec 2008.
:bulletred:You can make unlimited amount of entries.
:bulletred:Your entry MUST contain at least one of the 9 stock photos above.
:bulletred:If you include stock from any of my stock sisters steppelandstock Bnspyrd or LucieG-Stock in your entry that will add extra points.
:bulletred: You can send me your submission through a note or a message posted on my front page, under the stock you've used or posted as a comment on this journal. Make sure to mention that your entry is a submission/entry for my holiday challenge.
:bulletred:Your work MUST include a small text or explanation of your work, this is so me and others viewing your work gets an idea of your thoughts behind it. This can be very short, a sentence is enough, just something!!
:bulletred: Remember to credit stockers at all times.


1st place wins
:bulletgreen:6 month sub to dA from CAStock
:bulletgreen:Winners exclusive badge… from badge-gallery
:bulletgreen:3 exclusive stock packs from Bnspyrd
:bulletgreen:2 exclusive stock packs from CAStock
:bulletgreen:1 exclusive stock pack from steppelandstock
:bulletgreen:journal feature from CAStock
:bulletgreen:journal feature from steppelandstock
:bulletgreen:journal feature from Bnspyrd
:bulletgreen:journal feature from sStranger:new:
:bulletgreen:journal feature from CearaFinn:new:
:bulletgreen:journal feature from GoblinStock:new:

2 runner ups wins:
:bulletgreen:3 month sub to dA from CAStock
:bulletgreen:2 exclusive stock packs to the first runner up from Bnspyrd
:bulletgreen:1 exclusive stock pack to the second runner up from Bnspyrd
:bulletgreen:1 exclusive stock pack from CAStock
:bulletgreen:1 exclusive stock pack from steppelandstock
:bulletgreen:journal feature from CAStock
:bulletgreen:journal feature from steppelandstock
:bulletgreen:journal feature from Bnspyrd
:bulletgreen:journal feature from sStranger:new:
:bulletgreen:journal feature from CearaFinn:new:
:bulletgreen:journal feature from GoblinStock:new:

Any questions or feel like donating anything towards the prize-pot? Please note me :heart:

Unrestricted stock

I'm part of the unrestricted stock users, you can read more about it and who are members here:… :love: USE AWAY people, just make sure to credit me where you can!

What is stock? Go here for info :heart:

Stock sisters


Winter stock recommendations

from LucieG-Stock

Sea of ice 4 by LucieG-Stock Diggin by LucieG-Stock
Yummy by LucieG-Stock icicles 1 by LucieG-Stock Morning mist on the ocean by LucieG-Stock

from steppelandstock

Music Kiosk in the snow 3 by steppelandstock Looking back in time... by steppelandstock
City Park in the snow by steppelandstock Kiosk Snow-Window 4 by steppelandstock Kiosk Snow-Window 3 by steppelandstock

from Bnspyrd


Go check out their galleries for many more goodies :heart:


Did you know that you can now win some of my exclusive stockpacks… at various contests around dA? Here follows some wonderful people who I support with prizes for their competitions. Go join in these excellent contests for a chance at these "not-for-the-public"-goodies along with more fab prizes at;

:iconbnspyrd: Murder at the Moulin Rouge contest inspyretash-stock.deviantart.c… closes 14th May 2009

Rules for stock

1. All my stock images can be used for ANY creative work. Manipulations, references, ideas, competitions, collages, banners, webdesigns etc. You are however not allowed to reproduce my stock without changes and claim it as your own.

2. You have my full permission to do prints, post outside dA or whatever commercial or non-commercial plan that you'd like to do with your creation that contains my stock.

3. You need to credit me in your description (on dA, and when possible outside too but it's not a rule) but it's optional to inform me of your deviation or other work. However, if you send me a link to your work and you have linked back to me or the used stock image in your description I WILL FAV YOUR WORK so others that visits this page can see it. And if you let me know it will also make me very happy since i love seeing what happens to my stock! :heart:


I proudly support


Fellow stockers!


Get inspired, visit these fab stockers!

Thank you buffydoesbroadcast for this journal. You can find this CSS layout here:… Edit Entry
© 2009 - 2025 CAStock
anonymous's avatar
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Eyliphca's avatar
will you send a note or a message to everyone who participaded if you have the results?