The Golden RoomCassiopeiaArt on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

August 5, 2014
The Golden Room by CassiopeiaArt is a wonderfully elegant piece. The soft light and cool tones give it a tranquil feel.
Featured by Emerald-Depths
Suggested by PutYourBraveFaceOn
CassiopeiaArt's avatar

The Golden Room



Inspired by the grand painters of the 18th century.

You can buy prints of this artwork :rose: HERE:rose:

Thank you to the stockers:

Fairytale Princess Pack 13 by mizzd-stock by :iconmizzd-stock:

Grapes harvest 4 by steppelandstockGrapes harvest 2 by steppelandstock by :iconsteppelandstock:

3D Table by zememz3D Bird Cage by zememz by :iconzememz:

The rest is all my own stock images.


My art is NOT stock. You do NOT have my permission to use my artworks for anything other than reposting it UN-EDITED with full credit to Cathrine Langwagen and a link back to my website by the image if you do. My art is NOT in the public domain, it is copyrighted to me Cathrine ( or Katrine / Kat ) P. Langwagen and I reserve all rights to distribute, modify, post or sell my artworks. If you want to use my artworks for any project or business idea you may have, you have to purchase a licence from me. Please contact me at to discuss this with me.
Image size
533x800px 163.4 KB
© 2014 - 2025 CassiopeiaArt
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LunarLotis's avatar
Wonderful work :love: