Cassini90125's avatar


Sovereign Of The Howling Dark
867 Watchers342 Deviations

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Alas, old dA, how we miss thee

Not Happy At All

  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Biting Pear of Salamanca: Participated in April Fools' Day 2017
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
#PluralityOfPride: Participated in Pride Month 2018
30 Days of Pride: Participated in Pride Month 2019
Stupid Powers: Participated in Stupid Powers
My Bio

Born in a faraway place of dreams that I can barely remember but never forget...

I don't do Chat or Watch-For-Watch; any requests for either will be ignored so please don't ask. I do, however, cheerfully return llamas. :D


Current Residence: Saturn

Print preference: Glossy and large

Favorite genre of music: Classic rock, Electronica, Trance

Favorite style of art: Fractal abstracts, realistic fantasy

Operating System: Windows 10, which sucks ass

Shell of choice: Lobster or crab, freshly boiled and full of meat

Wallpaper of choice: The one in the "My Desktop" box, which you can't see because Eclipse killed it.

Skin of choice: Chicken or pork, deep-fried

Favorite cartoon character: Frankie Foster.

Personal Quote: I'm bored. Amuse me.

Favourite Movies
"2001: A Space Odyssey", "Frozen", "Contact", the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Destination Imagination", the various "Star Trek" movies, and a whole lot of big-budget sci-fi, action. adventure, and disaster movies
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Eivør Pálsdóttir, Yes, Torch Song, Kim Wilde, Antti Martikainen, Adrian von Ziegler, Danheim, Heilung, Wardruna, In Tenebris, Hagalaz' Runedance, Nebelhexe, Inkubus Sukkubus
Favourite Books
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Ring trilogy, the Silmarillion, the Belgariad, the Wheel of Time, the Shannara series, many other sci-fi/fantasy series
Favourite Writers
J.R.R. Tolkien, Isaac Azimov, David Eddings, Douglas Adams, Carl Sagan, Terry Brooks, Stephen R. Donaldson
Favourite Games
Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons (3.5 edition), Chess, Poker
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, with all the RAM it can hold and a high-powered graphics card. I haz a PS4 Pro, too.
Tools of the Trade
Sony DSC-HX400V, Flame Painter 3.0, MS Picture It! 7.0, Paint, a little luck, and a great deal of patience.
Other Interests
Science, Sailor Moon, fantasy RPGs (D&D, Pathfinder, etc.), photography, travel, food.
Presidential Endorsement 2020 This was probably the easiest political decision I've ever made; so easy, in fact, that I made it way back in January. In this year's Presidential election, my unconditional support, and my vote, goes 100% to Joe Biden. I am not going to bother explaining my reasons. For those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't understand, no explanation is possible. And after the hell we've lived through in America these past four years, and in 2020 in particular, if you lived through it, too, and still can't understand why I would choose Joe Biden over Donald Trump, then I feel very, very sorry for you. You disagree? That's fine. DO IT ON YOUR OWN DAMN JOURNAL. I've had enough right-wing bullshit this past year to last a dozen lifetimes; I'm not going to put up with it here. If I want to read lies, propaganda, and batshit insane conspiracy theories, I'll visit Infowars or Breitbart or Fox "News". I won't have it on my dA account. I don't
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She has a voice like no other... Recently I've been spending a lot of time on YouTube, listening to Celtic-style music. Found a lot of good stuff, too, by a lot of talented artists, and all of it is a cut above the mindless drivel of modern "Pop" music. :puke: But I digress. A couple of days ago I got it into my head to check out some Nordic-style music as well; like so many others, I've long had an interest in Nordic mythology and Viking culture, so seeking out music by Nordic artists or at least with Nordic themes seemed like the logical thing to do. Heh, I hit the jackpot; rousing battle epics, songs capturing the feel of mythological p...
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Yep, I'm doing it again. Why? For the smiles. :) Anyway, I'll be giving away 4-5 Core memberships between now and Christmas. Same deal as the last several years; I wander the site, I look at profiles, galleries, etc., and pick a few lucky recipients. Don't ask me how I choose who to give to; frankly, I'm not entirely certain of that myself. I just know them when I see them. I'd love to give out more than five but $50.00 is a lot of money for what little Core actually gives you. If the dA staff would see fit to add a handful of interesting and useful new features to Core I might be inclined to buy more than 4-5 memberships but I don't see t...
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Thank you very much for the Bleeding Heart badge❤️

Thanks for the badge!

Thanks for the bleeding heart badge!!

Thanks for the badge Brother!🔭🤘