cassiescreations's avatar


Is A Kingdom Hearts Addict!!! XD
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

My Bio
Current Residence: In a house...
Favourite genre of music: J-rock, J-pop, and relaxing music.
Favourite style of art: Anime and semi-realism
Operating System: XP
Favourite cartoon character: Sagi (BKO), Riku (KH), Sora (KH) (pretty much any sexy bishe) :)
Personal Quote: I go to a school where there's a bunch of emo artists and they like to paint with thier blood.

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Frailty and FFAC
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
GACKT and The GazettE
Favourite Writers
James Patterson
Favourite Games
Baten Kaitos I & II, KH I & II
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
CS2 and Wacom Tablet
Other Interests
Besides drawing I love video games!


0 min read
Yeah, I decided to change my account so it could match up with my website's name. So, I will no longer be posting under this username. I will get things more situated when I get back home next week. I'll to get a sub, redo my friends, and my favs. So, don't worry if it takes me a while to add you as a friend again. I am now under this name: ~cassiesillustrations ( :iconcassiesillustrations: :iconcassiesillustrations: :iconcassiesillustrations: :iconcassiesillustrations: :iconcassiesillustrations: :iconcassiesillustrations:
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Sorry for the lack of updates lately. School has been hounding me these past weeks with lots of art homework...So, I haven't been able to do any artwork for myself or for others! I dunno how much I'll get done this week either because I'm heading off to LA again to go to Disneyland for a few days... It'll probably be about two weeks before I can post anything again...Sorry again guys! I have a long list of things I need/want to do on DA... *Art Trades to finish up *Black joker card for a card collection my friend is doing. *An Art Meme (~Golden-Flute ( tagged me) *God, and so much more...Work more on my mangas and KH dou
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WOOT! Brand new Journal layout with Gackt on it! Still needs a lot of editing, but I just wanted to at least get the header up for this journal entry. ^^ I was tagged...So here you go. Rules: 1-post these rules 2-each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves 3-tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts 4-at the end of the post 8 more persons are tagged and named 5-go to their page and leave a comment telling them they've been 'tagged' 1) I am terribly obsessive over yaoi mangas, but I don't like to push them on my friends or others who are uncomfortable with it. 2) I am a huge Johnny Depp fan and
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Profile Comments 343

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hey 22/female. you're cute =) check me out on my webcam chat thing CLICK HERE
I love your avatar:drool:
mog i love your art!!!!!
Thank you so much for the fav :aww:
Ty so much for the comments, its rly important to me, you got a +fav and watcher/friend for sure