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Cassandra Cain
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Unscripted No. 106 by Cass-Cult, literature

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Unscripted No. 106 by Cass-Cult, literature

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  • Deviant for 17 years
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (11)


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It occurs to me that it would be wise to link to the #1s for convenience, lest people have to dig for them. Casstoons #1 The Adventures of Booster and Cass #1 Shinji2015's comics #1 AnneToons #1 Cass Turned Evil For No Good Reason #1 StarbaToon #1 Bootlegs #1 The Tim and Kara Hilariousness Hour #1 RemixToons #1 Unscripted #1 The Ing Sketches #1 Darth ChaltabToon #1 CayleyGraphToon #1 RaevirToons #1 Tran4of3Toons #1 Tales of the Unknown Artist #1 The Balloon Saga #1 AaronNowackToons #1 Nevermore2Toons #1 The ExMachina Sketches #1 The Ruthborn Sketches #1 LukeCashToons #1 PeppersprayToons #1 PsychosisManToons #1 MorrocobotToons #1 VirgieToon...
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anonymous's avatar
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ive heard of you guys from Linkara, you keep doing you dudes

Convergence says that all the multiverses exist again.  Casstoons could be considered canon!
Just a hunch of my own and no one else's (but if others think the same, then whoopdeefreakindoo), it's possible dear ol' Dan Didio was bullied by girls during his youger years... or he might be lashing out against some ex's, coincidentally named Cassandra and Stephanie.

I was just wondering if any of you guys were still active? We've been planning a bit of a campaign for Cass, Steph and Oracle!Babs and were hoping to get you on board.
I'm still around (I keep saying I'll finish the archive, but keep forgetting), but I haven't been a part of the forum anymore. Espanolbot is the artist and main writer. He has an account on DA or you can ask on the Superdickery forum. Try asking there. But I'll help wherever I can.
Awesome! <3

Well, we (me, Kyrax2, and several of our friends whom you probably do not know) have the full write-up of what we're planning here- [link] - but in general, we're trying to get as huge a turnout of Batgirl and other Batgirl identities (sans Babsgirl) cosplayers at cons as we can, with a special focus on this year's upcoming NYCC. What we primarily need right now is cosplay tutorials and signal boosting, since we want to reach as wide an audience as possible. We'll need some coordination help further down the line, but as NYCC is still many months away, we mostly right now just want to get everyone we can involved. Since you did so much great stuff back during the Period Of Which We Do Not Speak, we thought it would be good to see if you wanted in on anything.
It's doubtful I'll be able to go to any Cons. Part of the reason I haven't posted in a while is because I'm in Japan.