But... but... but... !?!?!?

3 min read

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caska1979's avatar
Sorry for my bad English!

Taking a stupid google search images and inserting my nickname
I discovered that my work MeOW by caska1979 has been featured (without my approval) for the typography of this bulletin board site... typeinspire.com/ (typeinspire.com/meow-by-caska1…)
I have seen many images uploaded to this board are from users deviantart (I think that most of them do not know anything about this site...)

Personally, I am now very confused and I do not know what to do...

Skin by caska1979
© 2011 - 2024 caska1979
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CnHGirl's avatar
:rose:Nonostante quello che dice la licenza, io continuo a pensare che avrebbe dovuto chiedere il permesso prima con esso. Se non traggono profitto fuori di esso, vorrei far loro continuate così, ma in contatto con loro e dire loro di chiedere la prossima volta che vogliono caratteristica qualcosa di tuo.:rose: