I'm sure everyone who uses the internet knows about AI, which has become incredibly common ever since it was introduced sometime ago, and it is especially common when it comes to using AI for artwork, a topic that is quite controversal for so many reasons. A lot of talented artists here on DeviantArt are practically against the idea of using AI to create artwork due to how easy it is to make a picture with little or no effort, which may be ideal for some people, but there is something to be said about drawing a picture from scratch tradionally and/or digitally that just feels more satisifying due to how much hard work and talent is put into each piece of artwork, especially whenever an artist has such a large number of people who check out their artwork on a regular basis. Now, I've been able to check out quite a bit of AI artwork that is posted on here, and I'll admit that much of what I've seen isn't bad at all, but to be perfectly clear, it will never replace artwork that is done by