Hello, lovelies! I am Casey L. Jones and am an American digital artist born and raised in Houston, Texas in 1981, meaning that I am currently 37 years young!
I have designed websites for going on twenty years, now, and have even won a few awards and features for my web design work. All of my design skills are autodidactic—meaning that I am entirely self-taught—despite having attended art school approximately fifteen, or so, years ago. I am completely in love with
all facets of art and design, often even using it as a means of escape from the pressures of daily life.
Even though I made my start in designing websites, I have always seemed to love the artistic right-brained, front-end side of creating website interfaces over the more left-brained, back-end development comprised of hand-coding CSS and HTML and writing programming languages such as PHP that bring the graphic user interface (GUI) to life on a web server.
So, to feed my more right-brained artistic side, I have been slowly transitioning myself over from web designer to book cover artist.
By making this change in careers, though, I can still satisfy my desire to be creative while continuing to work with an international clientele. However, my clients are now self-published authors needing help to recreate their beloved characters in a visual medium—as well as enticing prospective readers into giving their book a try—rather than small-to-medium sized businesses in need of a web presence to promote their product or service.
With my extensive background in web design, though, I can still help self-published authors create and maintain an active web presence by designing a stunning author website as equally eye-catching as their book's custom cover!
Creating book covers and websites, though, is
not the only service that I can offer to self-published authors.
Once you complete the writing process of your novel, you should have your manuscript professionally edited to search for discrepancies in your story, checking the flow and ease of reading, and finding and correcting grammar and punctuation errors such as passive voice and homophones
long before you ever even begin worrying about your book's cover.
Then, after your editor has polished your manuscript, the next step is to have it professionally proofread to look for anything possibly missed by the editor. Editors are only human; missing the occasional comma splice is not uncommon. This, however, is where proofreaders come in.
A proofreader will read your story, going over your edited manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, looking for any potential oversights missed by the editor such as a missing closing quotation mark or the accidental double-typed word.
The proofreading stage can be—and is frequently—completed alongside the creation of the book's cover. Seeing how I can offer my clients every step that a self-published author will need to take prior to publishing their novel, I will generally complete the proofreading stage
before I begin working on the book cover.
And because authors can come to me for
all of their pre-publishing needs, I offer packaged rates that can combine my services in many numerous ways, thus saving them more money than they would if they had to hire three different people to handle the same jobs.
To hire me as your book cover artist, to edit your completed manuscript, to proofread your edited novel, or to design your author website—or even for any combination of my four offered services—please email me at ADamselinDesign@gmail.com so that we can discuss your individual needs.
When I am not creating book covers, editing and proofreading manuscripts for the next up-and-coming NY Times Bestseller or designing websites for my international clientele, you will still quite often find me sitting in front of my iMac. Generally, though, I will be hammering away on my keyboard, hoping to get in some writing for my own current historical romance novel, or you'll find me deeply immersed in Photoshop, creating fantasy-based artworks.
Themes often encountered in my artwork will tend to range from fairy tales, romantic scenes of fantasy and mythology, as well as artworks of a historical nature. I often love to include castles and other medieval architecture, as well as ghosts and paranormal/fantasy creatures such as demons, fairies, and dragons. However, being the history nerd that I am, though, my favorite theme to visit and revisit with my art is historical people and couples in love. Regardless if they were real people such as the Bible's Queen Esther and the French Courtesan Madam de Pompadour, or if they are from television, movies, or Literature such as the characters of Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark from George R.R. Martin's epic series,
A Song of Ice and Fire.
If you are in need of stock for your artwork, then please check out my stock account,
DamselStock, for a wide variety of artistic resources that include, but are not limited to, male child/pre-teen stock, landscapes, architecture, textures, and miscellaneous objects.