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Project Krystal Papercraft 2



An update of my papercraft project.
She is now completely textured. I had to apply the texture to her all over again with was very tedious work. I learn a lot of UVW mapping though :)
I also fixed some texture issues like her neck collar. This is the pose I plan to use it's not the one I first intended but I think this one is better.
There is still a lot to fix on the model like the bones deforming the mesh in unwanted ways and I need to tweak the pose but I think its on its way.
So what do you think?

Krystal: Created by Rare Owned by Nintendo. Used without permission
Image size
372x526px 51.77 KB
© 2012 - 2024 CartoonGurra
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mdsohio's avatar
Do you have this at a stage yet where someone could beta build it for you....volunteer here by the way? Another question, if you have abandoned the work, would you mind another carrying on with at least a front, side, back, and top view of the above pose? Thanks.