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CartoonGurra's avatar

Krystal Papercraft: Modifications



It's been a while since I showed any update on this particular project. Rest assure I still working on it and I did a test build only to find the scale was to small so I have to re-arrange the parts in pepakura and try again. In the mean time I thought it would be fun for you to see the modifications I made to the original model.

Edit: I forgot the mention that the loincloth is also a separate
object to make the building easier. so hrrm that means you have to build her without the loincloth first! hrm...

Previous update: [link]
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1120x871px 316.16 KB
© 2012 - 2024 CartoonGurra
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TaiyoKuro's avatar
hello I can have it e been looking everywhere