I Dream of BowieCartoon-Antics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cartoon-antics/art/I-Dream-of-Bowie-138119243Cartoon-Antics

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I Dream of Bowie



My project for my 4D class, also known as Photoshop 101.

For this project, I had to make a montage of one of my dreams. Unless you are new to me and my fucking kookiness, I'm sure I've told you about this dream before.

But all you need to know is in the dream, David Bowie turned into a fish and then I ate him.

That pale-blue naked chick is a self portrait. I, for one, think it's pretty accurate! XD
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5700x3900px 1.85 MB
© 2009 - 2025 Cartoon-Antics
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SuperSimba's avatar
I lurv it! You are gettin' better every day, I swear.

Also: I get the chance to use a computer like once a week, woo