Cartography-Guild's avatar


Years Ago

Comments 552

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Hi! I'm glad to join this group C:

tactical nuke incoming
Gayle this is me I run this shit
Hey, contributor here.
I'm back on DA after like year of afk.

I'll try to review whatever you guys would send to group, but not all categories are accepted with 1 vote only, and as i see - everyone else is dead, last visit from any admins was in 2021, i'm alone as i see.

I plan on continue my account endeavours here, so if any of you want to remake this group - i'm all for it.
Welcome back friendo
Is this still alive?
I let a few submissions slip this month. Very busy doing road work on the mountain here. By hand, because people want thousands of dollars to bring the equipment up here.

It's been exhausting.

I'm currently accepting Contributor requests for anyone who would like to help. Even if you don't want to dedicate the rest of your life to accepting submissions, the occasional help would be appreciated by any artists whose submissions have slipped through the cracks while I try to solo this.