It was written two days ago. > Elisabet
002. Nickname(s) -> Liz/Lis/Lissie/Carras(piqub)/Devil
003. Zodiac sign -> Capricorn. Yep, I'm independent, confident and strong willed, but nothing more, maybe I wasn't supose to be one xDDD
004. Male or female -> FEMALE, got that right?! T T
005. Elementary -> Cheerfull and simpleminded. I was soooo inocent that makes me laught xD
006. Middle School -> Pff, back then I was serious and rude, really rude towards everyone, so sorry people xD
007. High School -> Mmm, nice time. I drank a lot, played a lot. It had much fun ^ ^
008. Hair color -> Strange dark. Not black, dark. So now it's multicolor, ...