[Pixel avatar by Mrlfrk on Fur Affinity!! ♥]
Current Residence: Melbourne Australia
Digital/Traditional Freelance Illustrator
Geez I missed you... you probably forgot all about me but back in the day I was one of your first followers and really digged your trad media art. Sorry I fell off the face of the Earth.
C. U. Ñ. T.
N. I. G. G. Ê. R
You're a POS that treated people badly in the past banning them from your streams for no reason and getting people banned from cons because you disagree with their opinions. Karma will hit you like a sack of bricks when you least expect it. KYS ...
// Deviant for 21 years //
Now that's some dedication there. Impressive.
She is horrible banning people from cons because she dislikes them. Don't lick the boot. She is a horrible person revenge will be good
looks at your other posts here
Uh... excuse me? Sounds like butthurt to me. And with the abuse you're spitting out here, you're likely to get banned here too. (Nothing of value will be lost.)