Joseph Gordon Levitt Rotoscope AnimationCarliihde on DeviantArt

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Joseph Gordon Levitt Rotoscope Animation



To celebrate my Daily Deviation (thank you so so much :iconginkgografix: for featuring me!) I have decided to release and "unreleased" animation for you all to see!!!
This animation was done for Joseph Gordon Levitt himself on his site called HitRECord It's an online collaboration site where thousands of artists come together to create beautiful pieces of art, music, film, etc. Check it out if you can!
This is a total of about 89 drawings. It took me many many hours (like a few days) to create this. Rotoscope and animation is not for the faint of heart (specially if you decide to color it)

But anyway, thank you so so much for all of your support (If I'm not able to thank you all personally for your comments, favorites and watches!)

I hope your year has been just as wonderful as mine was


Image size
960x540px 2.43 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Carliihde
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This is an AMAZING animation!

Im so glad to have found your work. Thank you very much for sharing!🙂