Magical Pony: Attempt 1carissaraptor on DeviantArt

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carissaraptor's avatar

Magical Pony: Attempt 1



Erm... I can't draw horses. ;_; It's the sad, sad truth. But, I need to eventually draw one for Rielle [link] because it's part of her character, so I thought I'd practice.

TIPS. Give me them. On how to draw horses and how I could draw them in the future. (Please keep in mind, though, that I don't want a realistic horse; I want it simplified, like all my art. XD)

Magical star pony? ...Yeahhh....

Time: ~1.5 hours
Program: GIMP

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320x230px 25.55 KB
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VivaFariy's avatar
Cute, and better than any horse I've ever drawn.