carbon12's avatar


carbon twelve
7 Watchers7 Deviations
  • Deviant for 22 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio

Current Residence: in a house
Favourite genre of music: listen to everthing [[just n0ize]]
Operating System: wind0z
MP3 player of choice: sonique
Favourite cartoon character: dez

Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
the misfits
Other Interests
music - puters - geetar
well......alota shit has been going on.......thats why i havent been around a lot i-net...was cut im behind i a couple....of bills......and now i work...... things get complicate....but now i will close this account......for the mean time.....but i may or may no start another one.......but in time things will hopefully change.....if i do i will let ppl....know....if anyone does care......but for updates.....if i do update any boredom drawingslook for this handle it will most likely not be take yet....but i dono~mutedlojiQi use this handle alot......if anyone wishes to find me...they can ...
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okay i turned on the tube today and in the news...this guy i knew for a while back and his friend are in jail right now....................................................................................they tried to kill the other guys parent to collect the insurence money but they didnt succed they got the mother thet hit her in the head 4 times with a hammer and she's still alive....but the guy and his friend are really fucked now...ha i saw david on the tube too  he's goofy and was telling the reporters all the shit and what happenedso what the kid was abused as a kidso was i big dealits not gonna save his ass |||||||||||||||||||||||||...
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the wor$+ d@y 0f the my birthday [[godamit]]...other than family gatherings i hate my birthday the most...|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[[[oh...well|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Profile Comments 16

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i forgot to thank u for an old fav. :P (Lick) you have very very cool tribal stuff! i think i'll make another tattoo with one of them.
hey, hows the tat comin along? can u send me a pic of whatever u have done?
music baby, music. misfits.
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although you hate it I wish you a happy birthday, but I know how you feel, I hate my birthday, too ;-) (Wink)