Captured-World's avatar


Worldly Photography ๐Ÿž
Years Ago
380 Members336 Watchers

Comments 934

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Another dead group...
None of the founders, co-founders, or contributors have been active for a while, some years. I'll be leaving this group as it's clearly inactive. 
I think this group is dead...I've had photos "under review" dating back almost a month.....No, I disagree! 
Have 6 photo's waiting to be accepted or's been close to a week...problem...?
Many thanks for the request !
So I submitted a photo awhile ago, just wondering if anyone is still here?!?
Yes, the group is still active!

I'm sorry; I'm the only member active in it and I just haven't had much time lately to get internet--I don't have it at home. I am truly apologetic about this.