Many, Many Mega Mencaptainslam on DeviantArt

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Many, Many Mega Men



It started as a cure for boredom at work, and then I just got obsessed. If you include the turret and companion cube from Portal, there are 100 classic, famous, or otherwise significant video game characters depicted in the original classic Mega Man format that we all know and love so much. I'll take requests for future updates if anyone thinks of somebody cool I left off!

To see it in all its massive, full-size glory, click it to make it bigger, then right click and select "Open in New Tab." You should be able to zoom in beautifully then. Pixels the size of gorillas.

As a response to anyone who thinks I am pirating sprites, I do NOT claim to have designed the original Mega Man sprite after which these are patterned. However, I DID build each of these myself (meaning I didn't just recolor some image I found on google).
Image size
5322x3211px 3.48 MB
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