My Third Tattoo XDCaptainSeven on DeviantArt

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CaptainSeven's avatar

My Third Tattoo XD



I absolutely adore it. It's also on ABT's site.


Thanks so much to Jet!

Oh, and in reference to comments I got on the other site, No, it has NOTHING to do with kingdom hearts even though I love gaming, and it's inspired by the lock on my grandmother's hope chest. It, in a way, symbolizes all of my well kept secrets. Which is why it's on my wrist, rather than my chest, It's NOT one of those "lock my heart away" tattoos.
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600x900px 38.19 KB
© 2009 - 2025 CaptainSeven
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Tifa666's avatar
I love your tattoo! I wanna tell you that I have a similar one. Here…
You was my exemplar when I went to the tattoo parlor ^^