
12710 deviations

11124 deviations

Free Jumping Stock
7 deviations

1 deviation

Barrocos to Register
5 deviations

Art of my ponies
9 deviations

3 deviations

Need Refs
12 deviations

My Slots
16 deviations

Halter Stock
15 deviations
The Zlesdin Christmas Show | EXTENDED
Hello dear passengers,
It's back! And it's once again time to dust off your jumpers
Activities in the group have been less this year, but let's end 2024 with a bang, shall we?
For this year's last group event we'll be hosting something (potentially) competitive, although the option to go for the casual RNG class only competing against yourself is also a possibility:
Ressources | Discord Server
DEADLINE: January 31st FEBRUARY 15th
Everyone entering with at least TWO ENTRIES are allowed to participate in a RAFFLE for a slot to one of the group horses. To enter the raffle, scroll down ^^
Questions? Ask them below
2 deviations
Equestrian Export Raffle
Welcome to the great Auction of Vanaheim’s finest sporthorses!
Gather to inspect those Drakehests of excellent blood, bred and trained for competition by Vanaheim's most renowned breeders.
This fall Vanaheim will host a big Equestrian Event focused on modern disciplines and we are excited to start it with a kick-off draw-to-win raffle! We encourage the winners to enter the upcoming event with their new Drakehest or even other HARPG shows! You can choose your Drake’s discipline yourself. However, it’s not a must and you are also free to keep it living in the wild in a fantasy setting etc.
Entry Requirements and Rules
Draw the Drakehest you want to enter for.
Basic Art Requirement: colored Fullbody + simple Background (according to ranking rules)
Simple chibis and rushed art will not count. That includes images like messy/uncolored sketches or XP dumps. Styles that are "simple" are allowed.
Examples: Simple Chibi | Messy/Uncolored Sketch | vs. | Simple Style
The depicted Drakehest
My Drakehest
8 deviations
Breakfast Point and Ranking System
Canadian Donstrupper Point and Ranking System
The Canadian Donstrupper Group uses “Breakfast Points,” BP for short, as a fun way to give you rewards and encourage community interaction. This point system is only applicable to group members who own registered purebred Canadian Donstrupper horses. Foundation breeds and crossbreds are not eligible to go through our ranking system.
Each member is responsible for keeping track of their Canadian Donstrupper’s BP score totals. This can be tracked however you wish as long as admins can view it with little trouble. Please try to prioritize using thumbnails when counting art to make it easier for admins to inspect point counts.
AI art/AI assisted art will NOT be considered for points or allowed in the group gallery.
Referencing is a great tool, and we highly recommend using it! Always make sure that the image you are using as a reference is stock photography
6 deviations

My Dinos
10 deviations

PA Inspo
21 deviations

Dressage Stock
158 deviations

1059 deviations

SJ Stock
103 deviations

Racing Stock
25 deviations

Helpful Guides
69 deviations

Cross Country
83 deviations

Adopted Characters
48 deviations

1 deviation

Things I've Bought
123 deviations

Delta D'Oro
40 deviations

Foal Stock
108 deviations

59 deviations

Devious Collection
34 deviations

8 deviations

NRS Show Enteries
18 deviations

Delta Foals
2 deviations

AE Stuff
6 deviations

Western 2
44 deviations