Road to the EndCaptainMaddi on DeviantArt

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Road to the End



Race: HRA Holy Bull Stakes [G2]
Horse: Delta D'Oro
Post Position: #3
Stable: American Empire Stables
Jockey: Matthew Walsh
SilksAmerican Empire Stables Silks
Previous Experience: 
Not Done Yet
Return to the Circle
Trying Again - 1st Place
Crossing the Border - 1st Place
The Big Test - 1st Place

“We need to start discussing when we want to retire him…. I know no one wants to talk about it but it is something we need to think about.” Matthew’s father announced as the main leads surrounding the bay colt sat down after dinner. The room fell silent before his mother spoke up.

“Why? He’s running fantastic right now and he’s sound!” She yelled not wanting her beloved colt to seem weak.

“For now… what if after the triple crown he doesn’t? What if he’s injured?” Steve, his father, added trying to cool the air.

“We can sit here and play the what if game all damn day…. Let’s just take it one day at a time. He’s happy to run and when he stops being happy, we stop running him. We already checked his fertility and people are interested in him. Not to mention we’ve all talked about letting him do showmanship or halter when he’s done. Easy work.” Matthew watched as the family fell silent again and nodded.

“Not to mention, that Normandy colt looks really good. He reminds me of Delta. And he’s ready to begin his yearling training. Are we just going to toss him aside? We have other horses that deserve the same love and royalty as Delta.” John added as he ran a hand over his hair before putting his Purdue ball cap back on.

“Or Gunmetal. Both of those colts could become stars.” Melissa added as she sat down a fresh apple pie in the middle of the table for everyone.

“We will wait until after the Triple Crown. If he’s sound, he’ll continue. If he acts any different, we retire him. Let him decide his future.” Steve concluded and everyone seemed to agree.

Matthew backed the truck into the gravel lot beside the barn and shut off the engine. He could hear Delta shuffling around the trailer as he was anxious to feel the warm air of Gulfstream Park. They had only been here a month earlier for Delta’s surprising victory in the Pegasus World Cup. The colt had proven he was not done and out yet and was ready for more. This week they were here for the Holy Bull Stakes, one that would earn the team points towards the Kentucky Derby. Matthew wanted to see his colt run for the roses, even if they didn’t win or even place, it was always his dream to see their stable name among those for the Kentucky Derby. This was one of those trials for that future dream.

He hoped out of the truck as his father pulled in beside them to help unload the colt. Delta walked cleanly off the trailer and already started to nicker and toss his head. Swinging his hips around as if he was dancing slight as Matthew lead him towards a closed in fenced area with some sand and grass. Once inside the gate, he locked it and unclipped Delta for him to stretch his legs. Immediately the colt began to walk circles around the corral and tossing his head. A few press members came over to talk about the colt.

“We’ve heard there are rumors of Delta having a torn ligament, is there any truth to that?” A young female journalist asked as Matthew chuckled and leaned against the gate.

“Does he look like he has a torn ligament?” Matthew asked gesturing over his shoulder to the colt who was prancing around before laying down in the sand and rolling in it.

“Has there been any decision on where he will stand after he retires?” Another voice called out and Matthew shook his head.

“He’ll stand with us. Our farm believes in standing it’s stud where they are most familiar: home. We already breed horses in our facilities and we have foals dropping on our fields. Nothing will change for him except seeing some pretty mares more often and less track.” Matthew answered as the colt walked over and sniffed at Matthew’s shoulder before leaning his head over the fence. Letting some of the press and children around come to pet him.

“What news of Delta’s first foal? Will he race soon?” A mother asked as her daughter reached up tall to pet Delta’s velvet nose.

“Yes. Our goal is to run him very soon. We are just taking our time with the colt since he’s a bit of royalty. But we try not to treat him any different, wouldn’t want him to get an ego before he even runs.” Matthew answered as he clipped Delta’s lead shank on and walked him out. Letting some other children come over and pet the stallion and get a picture. Matthew waited until they had gotten their fill before walking the colt back to their assigned stable area. Leading the colt into the recently cleaned stall before unclipping him.

“How did he unload?” Matthew’s mother asked as she brought Delta some baby carrots to eat, flattening her hand and letting the colt easily take them from her as Matthew began to unwrap his legs from traveling.

“Little frisky… but good overall. Seems to be just as happy as he was before the Pegasus. Hopefully that good luck will follow.” Matthew answered as he started to rub down the colt with a cloth. His coat looking a little dull from being inside the trailer but soon Matthew would have that fixed up and right.

“Nothing wrong with that. He is a three year old after all. Outside of the thoroughbred world, he’s still a big baby. I bet he will mellow out as soon as he hits 5 or 6.” Matthew’s mother added as she fixed the colt’s forelock so it wasn’t sticking out in all different directions.

“I don’t know why dad insists we just retire him. Outside of racing, horses are used until they are in their twenties.” Matthew sighed patting Delta’s neck as he started to brush out his tail.

“You’re dad has seen a lot of horses break down, we just don’t want that to happen to him. If he’s fine, I bet he could make a name for himself doing conformation shows. He’s built beautifully.” Matthew chuckled before shaking his head.

“Do you see anything wrong with him?” Matthew asked and his mother stepped back and peered over the colt before answering.

“No. He’s just like all of my children: perfect.” She smiled.

Word Count: 1069

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2992x2068px 17.95 MB
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KarPAriK's avatar
You're not going to break Doro today, are you?:( (Sad)