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This was an eye-opening piece for me. Not because it was completely different or unique or out of my style, because it wasn't. It is one of the first art things I've made in a long time that had no deadline or limitations or rules attached to it. Horse Reality (awesome game, check it out. Love it) posted an "Art Contest" that was pretty much an open invitation to make anything that they could put up on their office walls. It didn't even have to be their mascot or anything, it was just open. Which apparently, is what I needed. 

A while ago I posted saying I was quitting HARPG for a bit and just needed to ground myself. Though I didn't really take a break, mostly cause I'm a competitive stubborn mule that didn't want to give up, I did take a massive step back in how much I'm forcing myself to do. (Special shout out to Drasayer  & IlluminateGalaxies and several others for their lovely words of encouragement. Y'all are great human beings) I quit putting a lot of stipulations and critique on myself. If I got it done by the deadline, great, if not, oh well. Which may seem minute to some people, but I struggle a lot with being very very harsh on myself. I am a perfectionist and my own worst critic.

Okay the mushy stuff is done, but the main point I want to get across is I encourage everyone to try and just make art to make art. Not for HARPG or a breeding slot or a contest. Just make it to make it. I think (and I am pointing to myself as well) a lot of people get so caught up in the lots of fun HARPG events, they forget to just make art to make it. So I'm really going to try and just make art once a month. Because this was the most stress relieving and enjoyable art piece I've made in a very long time.  


Horse Reality if anyone wants to check it out:
Image size
1960x2160px 16.64 MB
© 2019 - 2025 CaptainMaddi
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Drasayer's avatar
I'm so relieved to read this <3 Honestly! 
I worry so much when you hit ruts like this. I know how important it is to just hear a kind voice through the storm in our minds to say "hey, man. I know you're having a tough time and I wanna let you know I care about you." And it breaks my heart to hear when you've been pushed so far by that inner critic that you just wanna give up. Because some days, even I teeter on that line. 
But pieces like this give us all hope and a feeling of community when we can come together and support each other when we reach out. <3 You've made a beautiful thing here (look at that adorable pony face <3) :'') And I'm so happy to hear you could finally give yourself a breather. I think you've done yourself a real justice and I look forward to more!