CaptainMaddi on DeviantArt

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CaptainMaddi's avatar

Barroco Custom Import | Mini-Luicifer



New owner: Mini-Luicifer 

ID: Will be given when reference is uploaded
Gender: Mare
Age: Up to You
Color: Black Overo with Chestnut Chimera
Markings: Overo, Sock
Genocode: EE aa nO | ee aa
Height: Up to You

Handling - Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Untrained: 0 points
Confidence - Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Amateur: 15 points
Stamina - Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Untrained: 0 points
Speed - Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Untrained: 0 points
Jumping - Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Untrained: 0 points
Dressage - Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Amateur: 15 points

Please remember to include all the required information in the reference. Read everything about them here.



Design by chelissima
Lineart by CalyArt
Background by BonBonBerry
Breed created by CalyArt and chelissima
Image size
2615x1847px 3.89 MB
© 2020 - 2024 CaptainMaddi
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bluewingfairy's avatar
Hello friend, Amazing!!!!!!.