capprotti on DeviantArt

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capprotti's avatar

Ser Barristan Selmy



Just saw this on Fantasy Flight Games' site yesterday. This card was a LOT of fun to do. Kinda quick and dirty, I had to get it done in a day. Every once in a while it actually works out. Even though there's a lot of really loose elements, I enjoy the image as a whole and I'm glad FFG did as well. Hope ya digs!

Edit: There was a lot bothering me about this piece, the unfinished nature of it. So I gave it another pass. I'm much happier this time around. I might even give it another pass tomorrow (but probably not :P)
Image size
900x600px 163.83 KB
© 2009 - 2024 capprotti
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ARTSeeker321's avatar
Wow! He's old for sure, but there's no way I would fight him😉 Great painting 👍