Favourite Visual Artist
Ryan Church
Favourite Movies
La Haine, Delicatessen, Idioterne
Favourite TV Shows
Homeland, Bored To Death, Deadwood, The Walking Dead
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Cure, 30 Seconds To Mars, Arcade Fire, Editors, Interpol, Placebo, The Killers, White Lies, We Were Promised Jetpacks
Favourite Books
1Q84, Levantado Do Chão, Angels Of The Universe
Favourite Writers
Haruki Murakami, José Saramago, George R. R. Martin, Kafka
Favourite Games
Modern Warfare 3, World Of Warcraft
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Illustrator, Wacom Tablet
Other Interests
Comics, Anime, Manga, computers, technology