CapaillUisce-Breed's avatar


Years Ago
44 Members77 Watchers

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Comments 18

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Okay -this Breed looks super interessting (Not at least, because i LOVE 'Monster' in Horse Form), but in Fact that i cant afford a custom Import, the last two tameable Foalimports don't appeal to me in terms of color and the same applies to the available parent animals with which I could breed (if their owners could / wanted to give up a slot at all) I fear that my access to this breed will be gone ^^ '

New foal taming imports come out every so often, and we occasionally offer make-your-own events. The group is still a heavy work in progress.

Ah i see -i thought the Breed is dead, because she exist since 5 Years -most Groups with this state, so 'few' members and so 'long' existence time are no longer continued ^^' But then I join times and watch what happens :3

Hiya! I know it'll be a bit of a wait as I'm behind on a lot of art, but how do I get my hands on one of these?

Hi! Sorry for the late response!

Currently they are open for breeding, OR, there are several foal imports available for taming!

This group looks awesome! I will definitely be on the look out for tameables and foals!
There’s a Make Your Own event going on until the end of February! You may make two foals as long as their genos are a rarity of 10 or lower!