Blushy ShyCaNoN-lb on DeviantArt

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CaNoN-lb's avatar

Blushy Shy



Why can't I hold all this cute! :iconhnnnngplz:

It's been a while since I vectored anything, considering I had some work to do, but now I can get back a bit :3

also this is the first vector I do using Ponyscape, and I must say that I quite like it...alot, it has alot of potential in the right hands and if practiced on can reduce the time needed to vector by alot(using the "Power Stroke" feature), I'd recommend it for any new/intermediate vector artists out there! check it out [link]

Source: Source: Season 3 Episode 10

SVG: [link] (you will need Ponyscape to be able to view the Powerstroke properly)


MLP: FiM (c) Hasbro & L. Faust
Image size
7000x7000px 1.78 MB
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Someone who had a crush on a yellow shy pony: You’re so beautiful, kind, adorable, sweet, and caring! I love you.

Fluttershy: *THIS IMAGE*