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Group Tutorial: Submitting Art



Group permission resetting issue has now been resolved! [link]

I was planning this to only take an hour...

Then I got carried away with the design.

So 5 hours later and I'm even more behind on finals homework. But that's alright. I'll just not go to sleep tonight :>

Here is my contribution to the new deviantART groups! As the proud founder of my own little group #PokemonCrafts, the question I get asked the most is how one is to go about submitting art to the gallery. Therefore I have provided my members, and the thousands of members across other groups, the ultimate tutorial on how submissions work.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please let me know!

Group owners: You are free to use this tutorial, simply submit this deviation into your group gallery. I'll accept it as quickly as I can. Otherwise you can link directly to it, I'd prefer if you didn't copy or modify my work. Thank you!


Groups skin © :iconliquisoft:
Submission Tutorial © :iconcaninehybrid:
Image size
860x2500px 1.03 MB
© 2009 - 2024 CanineHybrid
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CwerkzStudios's avatar
ok so I have to put in a folder I submitted a piece and it was declined did I do it wrong?