Sorrow of MephistophelesCandra on DeviantArt

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Candra's avatar

Sorrow of Mephistopheles



Fanart is inspired by Russian fanfiction by Nightday… that is based on the "Geburah" ending of the game AnimaMundi: The Dark Alchemist.

Poor archduke Mephistopheles is enwrapped in grief. For centuries he kept trying to save his master - Lucifer the Ruler of Hell – whose soul was confined in the chain of human reincarnations.When Mephistopheles has finally reached his goal, Archangel Michael took the releases soul away by deceit. Mephistopheles was left with nothing while contented angel insolently gave him a light goodbye kiss and returned to Heaven.

Now Mephistopheles is suffering all alone. He does not see the beauty of the nature, unexpectedly blooming roses... And he even didn't notice that sly mice have eaten holes in his clothes pattering about in the folds.

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842x1200px 228.71 KB
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PixiePowderPuff's avatar

Beautiful piece. I love the expression on the face