Sticker series - SouzenCammie-Mile on DeviantArt

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Sticker series - Souzen



Souzen Ataki

Age: 15
Sex: Male
Type: Wolf

Souzen is a kind-hearted wolf who above all else, cherishes his friends.
It may take a while to get to know him, and he tends not to open up very easily. But when he does, you know you've got a friend for life.
Souzen's greatest asset is his Loyalty, he is more trustworthy than most. He would go through near anything to keep a promise, and he would protect those closest to him with his life.
Souzen is an extremely selfless person, who would put others needs above his own any time, but this often results in him neglecting his own problems and avoiding them, which only makes them worse.
He is extremely shy around those he has feelings for, but only when put in a compromising situation.
Image size
600x800px 126.34 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Cammie-Mile
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