Current Residence: New York City
Favourite genre of music: Funk, Jazz, J-rock, J-pop, classical
Favourite style of art: Anything cute, sexy or bizarre
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: Ipod and Rio
Shell of choice: Red turtle shell. Why? Cause they go BOOM!
Skin of choice: a delicious Pecan brown
Favourite cartoon character: Gambit
Personal Quote: The world is full of soup and I'm the king of France
Favourite Visual Artist
Juanjo Guarnido, Sean Gordon Murphy, Ross Campbell
Favourite Movies
"Who framed Roger Rabbit?" and "Batman" (the first one with the Joker)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Orange Range, Black Eye Peas, Marron 5, Earth Wind and Fire, Mika, Cool and the gang
Favourite Writers
John Steinback, T.S. Eliot
Favourite Games
Harvest Moon series
Favourite Gaming Platform
playstation 2
Tools of the Trade
Pens, mech pencils, brushes, ink, watercolor Photoshop
Other Interests
Science, Novels, Anime,Manga, drawing, reading, american comics, video games