Doctor 'Lem' - The ThirdCalyfern on DeviantArt

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Calyfern's avatar

Doctor 'Lem' - The Third



Boy is this guy late! I intended to have him done for the end of November but... yeah. On the plus side, at least my art and reference books are organised now. And it didn't exactly help that whenever I tried to get past the artist block for him I just kept getting a mental image of Four!Lem trying to coax him out of hiding.

And at long last, the Sonic Screwdriver makes its debut! Between you and me, I don't think the lack of a wood setting would be a problem for a Lemming - they've been known to bash clean through whole trees and solid rock with their bare paws.

Fun fact 1: the design for the Sonic is taken directly from this picture: [link]

Fun fact 2: capes are harder to paint then they look.

PS: The half-tone effect is due to me trying out a new method of watermarking, not because of bad compression.

Lemmings © Take That (I think)
Doctor Who © BBC
Image size
759x1200px 254.83 KB
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RockyFS's avatar
Fantastic as usual!