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4. Dark



4. Dark

heres the fourth theme.

for dark i did the raven castle



Underland has become a very dark and scary place after it was taken over by the raven king and his two twin brothers, everyone thought that the rule of the red queen was bad, she has nothing on them. everything might have been fine if it wasn't for three boys finding the Underland's calendar scroll they might have not found out what was in store in their future and then makeing it happen.
One of the brothers is now the new king he is called the raven king, his two brothers rule beside him but he is the one that calls the shots, his name is Raban and he specializes in dark magic and potions, Raban's brother Attor who take after the snake in looks and in personality he is the planner and a schemer, he secretly would love to take the throne but cant, so he takes what he can get and "helps" his brother the king with his ruling, Cravon the fox, he isn't as bad as his brothers, though not a saint either, he likes to fight, he's the best swordsmen in the kingdom and he does all his dirty work himself , you can usually see him fighting along side the raven army or in the chase to capture anyone that is resisting the rule of the new king.
Once the raven king took over Underland he turned the place into something you could only imagine in your worst nightmares, everyday looks like night and every night is so dark you cant even see two feet in front of your eyes, plants are trying to smother you or have you for food, you have to look every where to make sure nothing is trying to get you, unseen noises come from every place around you but you cant see them, its like underland is out to get you and you cant do anything about it but run and hide, but hiding wont save you for long.
The raven castle is the hardest place to get to unless you are on the kings side, if you want to save someone that has been captured or to just go for a fight then your right out of luck unless the king wants you there, other wise you could walk for days and never get close to it, the raven army are just that, man sized ravens with armor that walk and fight on two feet, there is also other underland people that take part in the army that have been turned to the dark side, you could see some of the once red queens army and also the white queens army.
The thing that has made this all posable is a black orb, it is the underland stone that controls all of underland, it can brighten everything or darkened it, it all depends on who has it, it takes after the personality of its owner and shows it through Undrland, the orb can show you what ever part it has taken over, it can take over people or things and makes them obey the holder and it can also take your soul and story it inside it's self.
be-careful on who you trust... anyone could be a spy for the raven king, so many animals or people from underland have been brain washed into obeying the new king, you never know if your being spied on, you more then likely are.

now that you know what the story is about why not start reading the chapters? and see how this story unfolds.

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MirandaRose-Stock's avatar
Nice! :clap:
Glad you could make use of my stock. :)