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I updated his past, and his relationships, too! <3
Yes, I finished up my fourth character and my Follower character for TBS! He'll be my first male character in the group. nwn
Name - Astrophel, which means "star lover", or "star friend". Pronounced, 'astro-fell'.
Nicknames - Astrophel LOVES it when other cats calls him Astro-- it reminds him of stars.
Age - 21+ Moons.
Gender - Male, Tom, He-Cat.
Orientation - Heterosexual
Region - Follower
Rank - Astrophel is a Bounty Hunter, and he specializes in fighting with his muscular body-- because his lack of tail he doesn't have the greatest balance, so he's not the best hunting cat, he knows a tiny bit of crafting from observing passing Region cats, and Astrophel knows only the very basics of searching.
Guide/ Initiate - N/A
Type - His father was a Mud Elemental, but his mother was a Dark Elemental-- thankfully, in Astrophel's opinion, he got the Dark Element.
Ability Stone(s) - 5, being an average Follower.
Energy Points - 15, and he has normal stamina.
Spells - Teleportation, Bilocation, Blinding Darkness, I Curse Thee, Choke, and Shards-- Astrophel uses these spells for personal reasons more than fighting.
Teleportation || Dark || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to disappear from one place and reappear in another. When first starting off, most cats can only reappear in places they can see, but more experienced cats can teleport to places they have been before (if they can clearly remember what it looked like, and how to get there if they were to walk).
Bilocation || Dark || 2/5 || Description - The user duplicates their own body, making a second cat of their self. Only experienced, senior psychics can use this, for it takes great concentration, and can hurt a cat's mind if they don't know what they are doing/their concentration breaks unexpectedly.
Blinding Darkness || Dark || 2/5 || Description - The opponent of the user becomes blinded as blackness surrounds their eyes temporarily. This can cause temporary insanity (as in rash decision making and such).
I Curse Thee || Dark || 2/5 || Description - Allows the user to place a temporary curse on the opponent, and drain them of their energy. (two points per post the spell is active)
Choke || Dark || 3/5 || Description - Releases a thick cloud of black smoke from the user’s mouth and/or nostrils, choking anyone nearby. It weakens the opponent(s) and renders them unable to breathe for a few short moments.
Shards || Any || 4/5 || Description - The user creates shards of it's element by powerfully compacting the element into crystal-like shards to be used to pierce an enemy.
Astrophel wants to learn every Dark spell there is, but of course, he probably won't. So the next spell he's trying to get is Venom and Forget Me Not.
MBTI Type - ESTJ (5% Thinking over Feeling, Astrophel puts on an act-- he's actually quite sensitive.)
| Collected | Jocular | Smiley | Gracious | 'Persuasive' | Charismatic | Freethinking |
Collected - "All these felines letting their tempers's an exceedingly distasteful sight."
Yes, you won't see Astrophel letting his emotions get away from him too much. He finds anger, emotional flares, and basically everything that Kaa does in other cats quite despicable, and he fights to control his own emotions, and his opinions, and mouth. He restrains from backtalking, he refrains from causing any real mischief or unnecessary drama. Astro's just mature like that, and prides himself on acting like a sensible, composed tom, and not some ordinary ruffian Follower. Despite his disliking of most high ranked cats, he does believe that he has more of a calculative Bounty Hunter personality than one of a chaos loving, fighting Follower personality. He does like to think that being more behaved makes him better than others, and if you come up to him and belittle him for his more graceful tongue and nature, he won't care.
Jocular - "Oh, come on, lighten up."
Odd, being a Follower, Astrophel always tries to encourage other cats to relax when he can, disregarding any little rules-- this is especially true for other Initates and younger members of the Followers. Astrophel was raised to believe that, even though the Followers killed and life was tough and rough, you could still have fun in the darkness of the live the group of cats could still play in the shadows. Astrophel takes that to heart and his motto is pretty much that you can have fun no matter where you're at or what the situation is, he tries to have fun with whatever he's doing, and tries to be happy with anything. If he's killing a cat, he'll certainly have fun with that. If Astrophel is doing a chore of sorts, he'll find a way to make that fun, too. He can always find a way to amuse himself. If he's searching, he'll have fun. If he's spying on a Region cat, he'll have fun. Astrophel isn't too serious most of the time and has a nice disposition-- this boy just wants to have fun and be happy, even as a Follower. He's realistically optimistic.
Smiley - "You might scream at me and hit me, but look...I'm smiling. You cannot beat my spirit."
Astrophel is a smiling cat-- he smiles like his mother taught him to do, Astrophel tries to keep one on his face as much as he can. Sometimes he smiles to cheer other cats up, to make the aura in the Follower's camp a little lighter, but other times he smiles to make other cats jealous and mad at him. More than once Astrophel has been asked, 'why are you so happy?', or, 'how are you so happy?'. Getting that question makes Astrophel grin even wider-- he's just a cheerful cat, really, it might even be something wrong with his head that makes Astrophel so happy...he may be insane, but he's bright. He tries to keep a cheery mindset to make it through the horrors and the testing troubles that being a Follower comes with. Being commanded, demanded, made fun of, teased, hurt, fought, hated, and all those unpleasant things will certainly take a toll on any normal cat, but being a more giddy feline makes it a little easier to deal with it all. Because of this, Astrophel tries to find the good things about everything to hold on to his sanity and goodness...the dwindling amount he has. Plus, he finds slight joy in annoying others simply by being happy. It just makes him realize how unhappy everyone else is. It makes him smile all the more! And along with his smiley personality, it's hard to insult him and get a big reaction out of him-- he doesn't particularly care about what other people think and trying to use anything personal against him is basically futile.
Gracious - "I'll tell you what...because I'm such a nice boy, I'll let you go, okay? Run free."
One of Astrophel's favorite things is letting a panicked, scared, crying cat of the Regions escape his grasps. Though this may be unbecoming of a Follower, Astrophel just doesn't like killing-- he thinks teasing the cats are much more fun, and that killing kind of ruins the fun. And, Astrophel never forgets a face. But you see, Astrophel isn't merciful, forgiving, forbearing, and mild just because it's out of the goodness of his, it's because Astrophel doesn't always really like being seen as the 'bad guy', so not killing cats is a way that Astrophel 'plays pretend'-- plus, if he can kill another cat but he doesn't, it means that he pretty much is the keeper of their life. (He likes that! That cat was spared, and therefore, Astrophel believes that they are 'his cat' and that he deserves some kind of reward for that kindness.) Astrophel also tends to be softer on girls, and finds them even more fun to set free, they're like little birds or butterflies that he owns now.
'Persuasive' - "You don't tell any living soul what you just saw-- pretty please, okay? You know what'll happen if you do."
This may not be considered a good trait of Astrophel's, but being a Follower, this is probably a good trait to these cats. Astrophel has ways of getting what he wants and to keep another cat's mouth shut. To cats who know him, they think his smiling personality makes him pretty suspicious, but to a stranger, Astrophel seems pretty trustworthy and believable, certainly. Sometimes Astrophel doesn't even have to use force to get what he wants, he just blinks his eyes, speaks sweetly, grins endearingly, wiggles his little stump of a tail, and what he desires is his. But other times, Astrophel has to use force, and he has little tricks up his sleeve to persuade a cat to either keep their mouth closed or to do whatever he would like them to do. There's a reason why he trained so hard to get the certain spells that he has today, they're tools in his mastered art of persuasion-- it's even easier to get a Regioner to comply, so he focuses on those cats.
Charismatic - "Don't fret, don't you know? You can still play in the shadows."
Astrophel has a way with words, or so he might like to speak, he makes good points, moves with confidence, acts with confidence, and though he's amiable, he also has a bit of mystery to him that makes him an alluring cat-- he's not as talkative or revealing as you'd think, and perhaps that would make him so magnetic to others. Astrophel is just a kind of cat that makes others curious about him, he has a lot of interesting things about him. He's a male calico, with his odd, hypnotic eyes, and being a Dark Elemental gives him some shadowy aura...even Astrophel's name is charming, no? Plus he's got that persuasive and smooth personality, and Astrophel is much nicer to girls than he is with boys-- he treats them more sweetly and delicately, especially with the aim to kill. In fact, he has slight hate of other males, and even prefers to spend time with females instead of tom cats, as in the Regions they tend to be nicer and more good looking to him.
Freethinking - "About the Follower laws and what everyone else is doing...I don't do it."
Astrophel isn't stupid or anything-- if a higher ranking cat (like Andus or Kaa) tells him to do something, or even an older and respected Bounty Hunter tells him to do something, he'll do it alright. Despite being a Bounty Hunter, he doesn't like to disagree with others...the consequences tend to not be worth going against others, like starting a fight or being punished. Astrophel will listen then, he'll follow the words of others when he has to. But basically, Astrophel does whatever he wants in anyway he pleases. If he wants to not kill a Region cat, he can, and if he wants to befriend a Region cat, he can...Astrophel doesn't really care about the Law of the Followers. Astrophel also doesn't do what everyone else is doing, too, instead of training and sparring and hunting for prey, Astrophel will mess around with his spells and find berries to eat. Astrophel also doesn't act like an ordinary Follower either, he isn't too grumpy, loud, angry, violent, or murderous, and he doesn't want to be. From his birth, Astrophel was convinced that he was different because of his red eyes, his calico fur, his bobbed tail, and he strives to be independent and maverick.
| Cagey | Sedate |
Cagey - "...Let's not talk about me, dear, let's just have fun."
Astrophel is kind of guarded, cautious, and he doesn't really tell you all about himself right off the bat...he says he'd rather hear about others, but it's probably that the less others know about him, the less likely they'll be able to get to him or get him in trouble-- if they know nothing, nothing can be proven. Astrophel is also noncommittal, for the most part, so if you think he's really loyal to you...he might not be that loyal all the way. This is kind of a bad trait, but as a Follower, being wary like this is a good thing, right? Astrophel would like to think that, certainly, and it just might be a good thing for him. If you ask about Astrophel he'll change the subject and focus on you, or something else convincing-- or he'll lie about himself, Astrophel will certainly do that too, if he has to.
Sedate - "I know what you said, I just took my time. Not a big deal, right cat?"
Another thing that might be a good or bad thing about Astrophel is that he likes to...not make himself work too hard. Astrophel takes his time, he goes by his own pace, and no amount of commanding will make him run about like a chicken with his head cut off, unless you threaten his life. Astrophel will innocently take his own time without a single care in the world and Astrophel won't feel guilty at all if he's late for something or if he angers another cat. It's also kind of hard to rile Astrophel if you yell, fight, or scold him...he's a pretty cool cat, Astrophel is, so if you want to see a show you're going to have to push the right button.
| 'Cowardly' | Agonizing | Deceitful | Hedonistic | Vindictive | Reigning | Sarcastic |
'Cowardly' - "Hm...I don't think it would be wise of me to keep fighting. I'll just teleport and go now...!"
Now, Astrophel has a tactical mind that would be considered one of a coward. If he's in a fight that's going nowhere, he's not just going to fight to the death like a prideful blowhard. No, he'll escape. He won't pick opponents he knows he'll have little chance with, he doesn't jump into a horrible fight, he doesn't put himself in the face of danger voluntarily-- though this may be seen as something a pansy would do, he thinks he's just being intelligent. After all, stupid bravery for glory isn't worth dying over, and his life is the most important thing to him anyways. So, if he must run away, he will, and if it's wiser to stay away from a fight or back off, he will do so. It's just a smarter thing to do, and felines can belittle him all they want for this way of thinking; but they'll be the ones bleeding for a pointless cause.
Agonizing - "I think I'll keep you blind for a little bit longer."
Astrophel likes to see suffering of others more than he likes to kill cats-- he doesn't want the run to end, he wants to see it drag out. Just like pain! Why do you think his spells are so tricky and torturesome? Astrophel likes to tease cats, slowly mess with them, he quietly and happily torments others. He just finds it so fun, and you'll see him smiling along and having the greatest time while you're there in sadness and misery-- he revels in that kind of aura around. When things are tense, embarrassing, or tricky, Astrophel just gets the biggest kick out of it and you'll find him grinning at it all. It's where he gets his sick kicks. This trait of Astrophel's is quite unexpected to the cats who don't find him suspicious and who do find him very sweet and cheery...but you can almost see it in his little grins and softly blinking red eyes, if you look very closely-- Astrophel isn't what he seems, he keeps this side of him pretty well hidden. But even if you do try to tell other cats about his torturous ways, Astrophel would certainly lie about it and do anything he can to convince cats otherwise.
Manipulative - "Do you think that I would ever do that? I can't believe that-- I'm downright offended! You're unbelievable scum."
This is a deceitful Follower, around almost every cat he meets. He either lies, pretends, hides, or shuts others up with fighting, Astrophel does. Astrophel is also not afraid to go to extremes to not get punished or discovered for whatever he did, and I mean extreme. Astrophel likes being excepted and he'll do about anything to weasel his way through a sticky scenario or a tight situation, Astrophel can't and will try his best and hardest not to get caught...that's one thing he'll work all the way for. And if nothing works, he's certainly not above using blackmail-- he'll observe you carefully, memorizing the things you say. He'll especially take note of little tidbits from the past, he'll try to use anything against a feline to hurt them. It's not too expected from a dreamy looking cat, yes? But he specifically chooses his words carefully to get back at you.
Hedonistic - "I don't care how badly you think of me-- if it's pleasuresome, I'll do it."
Astrophel is sensually self indulgent, he's rather engaged in the pursuit of of pleasure. Rather it be overeating and stealing prey from others, or secretly meet Region cats, taking herbs from places, or other...not so good acts, Astrophel will do it and most likely without any second thought to it. On top of this not so obvious lifestyle of Astrophel's, he's also kind of a pervert-- hey, he's that age, you know, and he'd never really make it obvious or anything. Especially with his fondness of females, Astrophel's a gentleman...for the most part, but don't get too comfortable around Astrophel. This hedonistic trait of his also makes him even more noncommittal, especially when he gets a mate later on in his life...he really might not be the most loyal, and if he gets pretty close to another female, he'll probably fall into the temptation and have an affair...Astrophel also doesn't get too regretful about the things he does, have I mentioned that, too? Astrophel may realize that the things he does doesn't get him real happiness that'll last very long, but he doesn't care too much.
Vindictive - "I may have let you go, but I said I would get you back...and now I will have my reprisal."
It may seem like Astrophel will let things slide, with that cheerful, smiling face, that sedate attitude of his, but he never forgets. Astrophel never forgets or forgives, and he has a very strong urge and desire for retribution and satisfaction...through revenge. Astrophel gets his vengeance in some way, and in the ways he does it, it's usually personal but very hidden and well done-- Astrophel always makes sure that he isn't caught carrying out the recrimination. And if he is caught, well, he'll get out of there very quickly...and if he knows Forget Me Not by then, you'll never remember what you saw and it'll be like it never happened.
Reigning - "I asked you once, I even asked you twice, a pretty please, I WON'T ask you again!"
Astrophel likes to get his way. Astrophel likes to be listened to. Astrophel likes to be obeyed. Astrophel can handle himself, of course, he'll give a cat a few chances to follow his orders and make him happy...but if you really don't listen to him and even fight against him, Astrophel kind of loses it. This kind of ties into his 'persuasive' personality...if he can't talk a cat into getting what he wants, he'll make them give him what he wants. This trait of his, though mostly hidden, is one of the reasons why he doesn't typically like to hang out with other boys and prefers the company of females-- they tend to comply, and Astrophel likes that.
Sarcastic - "Oh, no, I think you'd be a great Lord. You look just like one."
Though it's subtle and occasional, Astrophel can be sarcastic-- he tends to be more sarcastic and more obviously sarcastic when it comes to conversing with other toms, older cats, and higher ranks of the Followers. Astrophel can be sarcastic when it comes to new bloods, too, and other younger cats...but mostly just boys. When it comes to females, he's hardly sarcastic, unless they act like they don't like him...then the sarcasm comes out. But Astrophel isn't sarcastic in a confident way, he's sarcastic in a quieted way. He'll say these sarcastic things with a 'genuine' gentle little smile, not with a groan and an eye roll. Like when others are talking themselves up, he'll agree with them, but be sarcastic. And when he wants to insult a cat he often does with sarcasm, but Astrophel makes sure it's only faintly noticeable when he's talking to certain cats. Astrophel will you sarcasm when he doesn't want to lie, but he still wants to tell the truth, and he says things 'sarcastically' just to get other cats in trouble-- so his excuse, which he finds is a good one, is 'I was being sarcastic!', so the it's the other cat's fault.
Fur - He has long fur, and it's smooth, so it may not look like he has that much fur, but he has a lot more than it looks like he has. It's a double coat, weather resistant! Except when it comes to extreme heat, of course. Not only does being a Dark Elemental make him prefer cloudy days, but the sun tends to make him very hot, so he prefers cold and clouds to sun and heat...though, light does make shadows, so there's a plus to the brightness. His fur is most thick in his chest, his head, cheeks, shoulders, legs, back, and tail-- it's especially thick in his tail, making the stumpy little tail all the more cuter with all that fur and fluff to him! Astrophel's fur is also usually nicely groomed, and he's careful to be sure that he smells good, a pleasing smell-- he sure loves his sensual things.
Color - Astro's fur pattern is dilute calico-- it's a grayish brown color, and than his patches and splotches are a light and toned down orange color. He looks like a white cat who decided to splash around in watercolor paint instead of bright oil paint, the colors are less intense then usual calico fur colors. Another odd thing about this male calico is that he has red eyes-- not completely bright, blood red, or anything of the sorts. No, Astrophel's eye color is more like a tomato, an orangish red. He has a black nose, but skin colored, pinkish orange paw pads. And strangely enough, the fur on his paws gets a little more orange and yellowish than the white color he has for the rest of his body, like how the white fur around a cat's mouth changes color. His ears are a darker graish brown color, and so are his eye dots-- but they're a little bit darker in color. The fur above his nose is a little darker too!
Physical - Astrophel is an American Bobtail Cat, and though it's usually a very big breed, he's not too big...yet. Astrophel is pretty muscular for his age, and he's not even done growing yet. Astro's a medium large sized cat, balanced, solid, and well muscled. He doesn't have a cobby look to him, though, he's not cobby. Astrophel is pretty much as long as he is tall. His legs are pretty long, actually, but they're strong. He's moderately long and substantial with a rectangular stance, and his chest full and broad. His ears are a medium size, slightly rounded, and the tips of his ears are almost lynx like, having subtle but small little fur tufts on the ends. His eyes are large, his paws are round, his musculature is substantial and firm...and kind of noticeable.
Walk - Astro has a slow walk, but a nice walk, a smooth almost mysterious walk, with that almost constant smile of his.
Accessories - Astrophel's main accessory is a black string necklace-- he has three painted stones hanging from strings (yes, they're just stones he found, but he's convinced that the females find bling or things of the sorts more attractive in males, so he painted them anyways), and from the longest one at the end, there is his main Dark ability stone. His second accessory was a gift from an Initiate by the name of Annabella-- she gave him a thoughtful little tail band, as he says, decorated with a black and dark gray fur piece and stones the same color of his necklace.
Scent - He has a light musky scent.
Astrophel's Past
Mother - Philomel, a smoky colored dilute calico with long legs and a cheery disposition. Former North Region cat and Searcher.
Father - Adrastos, a long furred, muscular, dark gray fire eyed tom with a careless personality and a charming way with females.
Want to be Astro's mother or father? Contact me!
20 Adults (12 and up) (Altogether in 20)
Strength | 5 | Astrophel is pretty strong!
Attack | 3 | Astrophel mainly uses either brute strength or his spells.
Defense | 5 | Astrophel is also pretty sturdy, this boy might even have more defense than strength.
Intelligence | 3 | Astro's breed is actually highly intelligent, and his will increase with age.
Knowledge | 2 | This isn't to say that Astro is stupid, he just doesn't have the skills that most Region cats have (like crafting and such).
Speed | 2 | Astrophel isn't the fastest cat, but he can teleport very quickly!
(Out Of Ten-- Battle Stats!)
Strength - 7/10
Attack - 3/10
Defense - 7/10
Tactics - 5/10
Stamina - 3/10
Speed - 2/10
Slept With
Had Kits With
Doesn't Trust
Yes, I finished up my fourth character and my Follower character for TBS! He'll be my first male character in the group. nwn
Name - Astrophel, which means "star lover", or "star friend". Pronounced, 'astro-fell'.
Nicknames - Astrophel LOVES it when other cats calls him Astro-- it reminds him of stars.
Age - 21+ Moons.
Gender - Male, Tom, He-Cat.
Orientation - Heterosexual
Region - Follower
Rank - Astrophel is a Bounty Hunter, and he specializes in fighting with his muscular body-- because his lack of tail he doesn't have the greatest balance, so he's not the best hunting cat, he knows a tiny bit of crafting from observing passing Region cats, and Astrophel knows only the very basics of searching.
Guide/ Initiate - N/A
Type - His father was a Mud Elemental, but his mother was a Dark Elemental-- thankfully, in Astrophel's opinion, he got the Dark Element.
Ability Stone(s) - 5, being an average Follower.
Energy Points - 15, and he has normal stamina.
Spells - Teleportation, Bilocation, Blinding Darkness, I Curse Thee, Choke, and Shards-- Astrophel uses these spells for personal reasons more than fighting.
Teleportation || Dark || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to disappear from one place and reappear in another. When first starting off, most cats can only reappear in places they can see, but more experienced cats can teleport to places they have been before (if they can clearly remember what it looked like, and how to get there if they were to walk).
Bilocation || Dark || 2/5 || Description - The user duplicates their own body, making a second cat of their self. Only experienced, senior psychics can use this, for it takes great concentration, and can hurt a cat's mind if they don't know what they are doing/their concentration breaks unexpectedly.
Blinding Darkness || Dark || 2/5 || Description - The opponent of the user becomes blinded as blackness surrounds their eyes temporarily. This can cause temporary insanity (as in rash decision making and such).
I Curse Thee || Dark || 2/5 || Description - Allows the user to place a temporary curse on the opponent, and drain them of their energy. (two points per post the spell is active)
Choke || Dark || 3/5 || Description - Releases a thick cloud of black smoke from the user’s mouth and/or nostrils, choking anyone nearby. It weakens the opponent(s) and renders them unable to breathe for a few short moments.
Shards || Any || 4/5 || Description - The user creates shards of it's element by powerfully compacting the element into crystal-like shards to be used to pierce an enemy.
Astrophel wants to learn every Dark spell there is, but of course, he probably won't. So the next spell he's trying to get is Venom and Forget Me Not.
MBTI Type - ESTJ (5% Thinking over Feeling, Astrophel puts on an act-- he's actually quite sensitive.)
| Collected | Jocular | Smiley | Gracious | 'Persuasive' | Charismatic | Freethinking |
Collected - "All these felines letting their tempers's an exceedingly distasteful sight."
Yes, you won't see Astrophel letting his emotions get away from him too much. He finds anger, emotional flares, and basically everything that Kaa does in other cats quite despicable, and he fights to control his own emotions, and his opinions, and mouth. He restrains from backtalking, he refrains from causing any real mischief or unnecessary drama. Astro's just mature like that, and prides himself on acting like a sensible, composed tom, and not some ordinary ruffian Follower. Despite his disliking of most high ranked cats, he does believe that he has more of a calculative Bounty Hunter personality than one of a chaos loving, fighting Follower personality. He does like to think that being more behaved makes him better than others, and if you come up to him and belittle him for his more graceful tongue and nature, he won't care.
Jocular - "Oh, come on, lighten up."
Odd, being a Follower, Astrophel always tries to encourage other cats to relax when he can, disregarding any little rules-- this is especially true for other Initates and younger members of the Followers. Astrophel was raised to believe that, even though the Followers killed and life was tough and rough, you could still have fun in the darkness of the live the group of cats could still play in the shadows. Astrophel takes that to heart and his motto is pretty much that you can have fun no matter where you're at or what the situation is, he tries to have fun with whatever he's doing, and tries to be happy with anything. If he's killing a cat, he'll certainly have fun with that. If Astrophel is doing a chore of sorts, he'll find a way to make that fun, too. He can always find a way to amuse himself. If he's searching, he'll have fun. If he's spying on a Region cat, he'll have fun. Astrophel isn't too serious most of the time and has a nice disposition-- this boy just wants to have fun and be happy, even as a Follower. He's realistically optimistic.
Smiley - "You might scream at me and hit me, but look...I'm smiling. You cannot beat my spirit."
Astrophel is a smiling cat-- he smiles like his mother taught him to do, Astrophel tries to keep one on his face as much as he can. Sometimes he smiles to cheer other cats up, to make the aura in the Follower's camp a little lighter, but other times he smiles to make other cats jealous and mad at him. More than once Astrophel has been asked, 'why are you so happy?', or, 'how are you so happy?'. Getting that question makes Astrophel grin even wider-- he's just a cheerful cat, really, it might even be something wrong with his head that makes Astrophel so happy...he may be insane, but he's bright. He tries to keep a cheery mindset to make it through the horrors and the testing troubles that being a Follower comes with. Being commanded, demanded, made fun of, teased, hurt, fought, hated, and all those unpleasant things will certainly take a toll on any normal cat, but being a more giddy feline makes it a little easier to deal with it all. Because of this, Astrophel tries to find the good things about everything to hold on to his sanity and goodness...the dwindling amount he has. Plus, he finds slight joy in annoying others simply by being happy. It just makes him realize how unhappy everyone else is. It makes him smile all the more! And along with his smiley personality, it's hard to insult him and get a big reaction out of him-- he doesn't particularly care about what other people think and trying to use anything personal against him is basically futile.
Gracious - "I'll tell you what...because I'm such a nice boy, I'll let you go, okay? Run free."
One of Astrophel's favorite things is letting a panicked, scared, crying cat of the Regions escape his grasps. Though this may be unbecoming of a Follower, Astrophel just doesn't like killing-- he thinks teasing the cats are much more fun, and that killing kind of ruins the fun. And, Astrophel never forgets a face. But you see, Astrophel isn't merciful, forgiving, forbearing, and mild just because it's out of the goodness of his, it's because Astrophel doesn't always really like being seen as the 'bad guy', so not killing cats is a way that Astrophel 'plays pretend'-- plus, if he can kill another cat but he doesn't, it means that he pretty much is the keeper of their life. (He likes that! That cat was spared, and therefore, Astrophel believes that they are 'his cat' and that he deserves some kind of reward for that kindness.) Astrophel also tends to be softer on girls, and finds them even more fun to set free, they're like little birds or butterflies that he owns now.
'Persuasive' - "You don't tell any living soul what you just saw-- pretty please, okay? You know what'll happen if you do."
This may not be considered a good trait of Astrophel's, but being a Follower, this is probably a good trait to these cats. Astrophel has ways of getting what he wants and to keep another cat's mouth shut. To cats who know him, they think his smiling personality makes him pretty suspicious, but to a stranger, Astrophel seems pretty trustworthy and believable, certainly. Sometimes Astrophel doesn't even have to use force to get what he wants, he just blinks his eyes, speaks sweetly, grins endearingly, wiggles his little stump of a tail, and what he desires is his. But other times, Astrophel has to use force, and he has little tricks up his sleeve to persuade a cat to either keep their mouth closed or to do whatever he would like them to do. There's a reason why he trained so hard to get the certain spells that he has today, they're tools in his mastered art of persuasion-- it's even easier to get a Regioner to comply, so he focuses on those cats.
Charismatic - "Don't fret, don't you know? You can still play in the shadows."
Astrophel has a way with words, or so he might like to speak, he makes good points, moves with confidence, acts with confidence, and though he's amiable, he also has a bit of mystery to him that makes him an alluring cat-- he's not as talkative or revealing as you'd think, and perhaps that would make him so magnetic to others. Astrophel is just a kind of cat that makes others curious about him, he has a lot of interesting things about him. He's a male calico, with his odd, hypnotic eyes, and being a Dark Elemental gives him some shadowy aura...even Astrophel's name is charming, no? Plus he's got that persuasive and smooth personality, and Astrophel is much nicer to girls than he is with boys-- he treats them more sweetly and delicately, especially with the aim to kill. In fact, he has slight hate of other males, and even prefers to spend time with females instead of tom cats, as in the Regions they tend to be nicer and more good looking to him.
Freethinking - "About the Follower laws and what everyone else is doing...I don't do it."
Astrophel isn't stupid or anything-- if a higher ranking cat (like Andus or Kaa) tells him to do something, or even an older and respected Bounty Hunter tells him to do something, he'll do it alright. Despite being a Bounty Hunter, he doesn't like to disagree with others...the consequences tend to not be worth going against others, like starting a fight or being punished. Astrophel will listen then, he'll follow the words of others when he has to. But basically, Astrophel does whatever he wants in anyway he pleases. If he wants to not kill a Region cat, he can, and if he wants to befriend a Region cat, he can...Astrophel doesn't really care about the Law of the Followers. Astrophel also doesn't do what everyone else is doing, too, instead of training and sparring and hunting for prey, Astrophel will mess around with his spells and find berries to eat. Astrophel also doesn't act like an ordinary Follower either, he isn't too grumpy, loud, angry, violent, or murderous, and he doesn't want to be. From his birth, Astrophel was convinced that he was different because of his red eyes, his calico fur, his bobbed tail, and he strives to be independent and maverick.
| Cagey | Sedate |
Cagey - "...Let's not talk about me, dear, let's just have fun."
Astrophel is kind of guarded, cautious, and he doesn't really tell you all about himself right off the bat...he says he'd rather hear about others, but it's probably that the less others know about him, the less likely they'll be able to get to him or get him in trouble-- if they know nothing, nothing can be proven. Astrophel is also noncommittal, for the most part, so if you think he's really loyal to you...he might not be that loyal all the way. This is kind of a bad trait, but as a Follower, being wary like this is a good thing, right? Astrophel would like to think that, certainly, and it just might be a good thing for him. If you ask about Astrophel he'll change the subject and focus on you, or something else convincing-- or he'll lie about himself, Astrophel will certainly do that too, if he has to.
Sedate - "I know what you said, I just took my time. Not a big deal, right cat?"
Another thing that might be a good or bad thing about Astrophel is that he likes to...not make himself work too hard. Astrophel takes his time, he goes by his own pace, and no amount of commanding will make him run about like a chicken with his head cut off, unless you threaten his life. Astrophel will innocently take his own time without a single care in the world and Astrophel won't feel guilty at all if he's late for something or if he angers another cat. It's also kind of hard to rile Astrophel if you yell, fight, or scold him...he's a pretty cool cat, Astrophel is, so if you want to see a show you're going to have to push the right button.
| 'Cowardly' | Agonizing | Deceitful | Hedonistic | Vindictive | Reigning | Sarcastic |
'Cowardly' - "Hm...I don't think it would be wise of me to keep fighting. I'll just teleport and go now...!"
Now, Astrophel has a tactical mind that would be considered one of a coward. If he's in a fight that's going nowhere, he's not just going to fight to the death like a prideful blowhard. No, he'll escape. He won't pick opponents he knows he'll have little chance with, he doesn't jump into a horrible fight, he doesn't put himself in the face of danger voluntarily-- though this may be seen as something a pansy would do, he thinks he's just being intelligent. After all, stupid bravery for glory isn't worth dying over, and his life is the most important thing to him anyways. So, if he must run away, he will, and if it's wiser to stay away from a fight or back off, he will do so. It's just a smarter thing to do, and felines can belittle him all they want for this way of thinking; but they'll be the ones bleeding for a pointless cause.
Agonizing - "I think I'll keep you blind for a little bit longer."
Astrophel likes to see suffering of others more than he likes to kill cats-- he doesn't want the run to end, he wants to see it drag out. Just like pain! Why do you think his spells are so tricky and torturesome? Astrophel likes to tease cats, slowly mess with them, he quietly and happily torments others. He just finds it so fun, and you'll see him smiling along and having the greatest time while you're there in sadness and misery-- he revels in that kind of aura around. When things are tense, embarrassing, or tricky, Astrophel just gets the biggest kick out of it and you'll find him grinning at it all. It's where he gets his sick kicks. This trait of Astrophel's is quite unexpected to the cats who don't find him suspicious and who do find him very sweet and cheery...but you can almost see it in his little grins and softly blinking red eyes, if you look very closely-- Astrophel isn't what he seems, he keeps this side of him pretty well hidden. But even if you do try to tell other cats about his torturous ways, Astrophel would certainly lie about it and do anything he can to convince cats otherwise.
Manipulative - "Do you think that I would ever do that? I can't believe that-- I'm downright offended! You're unbelievable scum."
This is a deceitful Follower, around almost every cat he meets. He either lies, pretends, hides, or shuts others up with fighting, Astrophel does. Astrophel is also not afraid to go to extremes to not get punished or discovered for whatever he did, and I mean extreme. Astrophel likes being excepted and he'll do about anything to weasel his way through a sticky scenario or a tight situation, Astrophel can't and will try his best and hardest not to get caught...that's one thing he'll work all the way for. And if nothing works, he's certainly not above using blackmail-- he'll observe you carefully, memorizing the things you say. He'll especially take note of little tidbits from the past, he'll try to use anything against a feline to hurt them. It's not too expected from a dreamy looking cat, yes? But he specifically chooses his words carefully to get back at you.
Hedonistic - "I don't care how badly you think of me-- if it's pleasuresome, I'll do it."
Astrophel is sensually self indulgent, he's rather engaged in the pursuit of of pleasure. Rather it be overeating and stealing prey from others, or secretly meet Region cats, taking herbs from places, or other...not so good acts, Astrophel will do it and most likely without any second thought to it. On top of this not so obvious lifestyle of Astrophel's, he's also kind of a pervert-- hey, he's that age, you know, and he'd never really make it obvious or anything. Especially with his fondness of females, Astrophel's a gentleman...for the most part, but don't get too comfortable around Astrophel. This hedonistic trait of his also makes him even more noncommittal, especially when he gets a mate later on in his life...he really might not be the most loyal, and if he gets pretty close to another female, he'll probably fall into the temptation and have an affair...Astrophel also doesn't get too regretful about the things he does, have I mentioned that, too? Astrophel may realize that the things he does doesn't get him real happiness that'll last very long, but he doesn't care too much.
Vindictive - "I may have let you go, but I said I would get you back...and now I will have my reprisal."
It may seem like Astrophel will let things slide, with that cheerful, smiling face, that sedate attitude of his, but he never forgets. Astrophel never forgets or forgives, and he has a very strong urge and desire for retribution and satisfaction...through revenge. Astrophel gets his vengeance in some way, and in the ways he does it, it's usually personal but very hidden and well done-- Astrophel always makes sure that he isn't caught carrying out the recrimination. And if he is caught, well, he'll get out of there very quickly...and if he knows Forget Me Not by then, you'll never remember what you saw and it'll be like it never happened.
Reigning - "I asked you once, I even asked you twice, a pretty please, I WON'T ask you again!"
Astrophel likes to get his way. Astrophel likes to be listened to. Astrophel likes to be obeyed. Astrophel can handle himself, of course, he'll give a cat a few chances to follow his orders and make him happy...but if you really don't listen to him and even fight against him, Astrophel kind of loses it. This kind of ties into his 'persuasive' personality...if he can't talk a cat into getting what he wants, he'll make them give him what he wants. This trait of his, though mostly hidden, is one of the reasons why he doesn't typically like to hang out with other boys and prefers the company of females-- they tend to comply, and Astrophel likes that.
Sarcastic - "Oh, no, I think you'd be a great Lord. You look just like one."
Though it's subtle and occasional, Astrophel can be sarcastic-- he tends to be more sarcastic and more obviously sarcastic when it comes to conversing with other toms, older cats, and higher ranks of the Followers. Astrophel can be sarcastic when it comes to new bloods, too, and other younger cats...but mostly just boys. When it comes to females, he's hardly sarcastic, unless they act like they don't like him...then the sarcasm comes out. But Astrophel isn't sarcastic in a confident way, he's sarcastic in a quieted way. He'll say these sarcastic things with a 'genuine' gentle little smile, not with a groan and an eye roll. Like when others are talking themselves up, he'll agree with them, but be sarcastic. And when he wants to insult a cat he often does with sarcasm, but Astrophel makes sure it's only faintly noticeable when he's talking to certain cats. Astrophel will you sarcasm when he doesn't want to lie, but he still wants to tell the truth, and he says things 'sarcastically' just to get other cats in trouble-- so his excuse, which he finds is a good one, is 'I was being sarcastic!', so the it's the other cat's fault.
Fur - He has long fur, and it's smooth, so it may not look like he has that much fur, but he has a lot more than it looks like he has. It's a double coat, weather resistant! Except when it comes to extreme heat, of course. Not only does being a Dark Elemental make him prefer cloudy days, but the sun tends to make him very hot, so he prefers cold and clouds to sun and heat...though, light does make shadows, so there's a plus to the brightness. His fur is most thick in his chest, his head, cheeks, shoulders, legs, back, and tail-- it's especially thick in his tail, making the stumpy little tail all the more cuter with all that fur and fluff to him! Astrophel's fur is also usually nicely groomed, and he's careful to be sure that he smells good, a pleasing smell-- he sure loves his sensual things.
Color - Astro's fur pattern is dilute calico-- it's a grayish brown color, and than his patches and splotches are a light and toned down orange color. He looks like a white cat who decided to splash around in watercolor paint instead of bright oil paint, the colors are less intense then usual calico fur colors. Another odd thing about this male calico is that he has red eyes-- not completely bright, blood red, or anything of the sorts. No, Astrophel's eye color is more like a tomato, an orangish red. He has a black nose, but skin colored, pinkish orange paw pads. And strangely enough, the fur on his paws gets a little more orange and yellowish than the white color he has for the rest of his body, like how the white fur around a cat's mouth changes color. His ears are a darker graish brown color, and so are his eye dots-- but they're a little bit darker in color. The fur above his nose is a little darker too!
Physical - Astrophel is an American Bobtail Cat, and though it's usually a very big breed, he's not too big...yet. Astrophel is pretty muscular for his age, and he's not even done growing yet. Astro's a medium large sized cat, balanced, solid, and well muscled. He doesn't have a cobby look to him, though, he's not cobby. Astrophel is pretty much as long as he is tall. His legs are pretty long, actually, but they're strong. He's moderately long and substantial with a rectangular stance, and his chest full and broad. His ears are a medium size, slightly rounded, and the tips of his ears are almost lynx like, having subtle but small little fur tufts on the ends. His eyes are large, his paws are round, his musculature is substantial and firm...and kind of noticeable.
Walk - Astro has a slow walk, but a nice walk, a smooth almost mysterious walk, with that almost constant smile of his.
Accessories - Astrophel's main accessory is a black string necklace-- he has three painted stones hanging from strings (yes, they're just stones he found, but he's convinced that the females find bling or things of the sorts more attractive in males, so he painted them anyways), and from the longest one at the end, there is his main Dark ability stone. His second accessory was a gift from an Initiate by the name of Annabella-- she gave him a thoughtful little tail band, as he says, decorated with a black and dark gray fur piece and stones the same color of his necklace.
Scent - He has a light musky scent.
Astrophel's Past
Mother - Philomel, a smoky colored dilute calico with long legs and a cheery disposition. Former North Region cat and Searcher.
Father - Adrastos, a long furred, muscular, dark gray fire eyed tom with a careless personality and a charming way with females.
Want to be Astro's mother or father? Contact me!
20 Adults (12 and up) (Altogether in 20)
Strength | 5 | Astrophel is pretty strong!
Attack | 3 | Astrophel mainly uses either brute strength or his spells.
Defense | 5 | Astrophel is also pretty sturdy, this boy might even have more defense than strength.
Intelligence | 3 | Astro's breed is actually highly intelligent, and his will increase with age.
Knowledge | 2 | This isn't to say that Astro is stupid, he just doesn't have the skills that most Region cats have (like crafting and such).
Speed | 2 | Astrophel isn't the fastest cat, but he can teleport very quickly!
(Out Of Ten-- Battle Stats!)
Strength - 7/10
Attack - 3/10
Defense - 7/10
Tactics - 5/10
Stamina - 3/10
Speed - 2/10
Slept With
Had Kits With
Doesn't Trust
Good Friend
Good Friend
Best Friend
Likes (Can be platonic or romantic.)
"Bad Vibes"
Likes (Can be platonic or romantic.)
"Bad Vibes"
| / / | Annora |
"So well behaved, so well taken care of, beautiful and white and shimmering-- she was lovely company, and she even grew three pretty little flowers for me. I appreciated how charmingly contained and scared she was when I met her, and I do hope I meet her again."
| / | Fala |
| / | Ainsley |
"She's a sweet thing, an Eastern Crafter, too. Nice girls like her shouldn't be out in the forest at midnight."
| / / | Andus |
| / | Kaa |
"Kaa is one cat that I don't particularly respect, due to his shifting emotions and instability. It's simply unbecoming and unreliable. But he told me that I couldn't have'd think it would make me dislike him, but I accepted it. He gave me a new hope, anyways, a new and true plan to get the daughters I so deeply desire. Yes, thank you, Kaa."
| / / | Orianna |
"Oh, she's certainly a fake one. She was sweet, and happy, and for a Bounty Hunter, too-- it was admirable. She even helped me train. I don't mind her too mind, as as far as she knows, I like her."
| | Annabella |
"She's a strange one, isn't she?
Orientation - Demi-Heterosexual Heteromantic
Mate - None yet!
Looking For - Quick flings are just fine with Astro, and he'll do...physical things just for the sensual pleasure, but to be actually sexually attracted to a female he has to have that attachment to her first-- trust, you know? Lasting relationships sound nice, but with Astrophel's hedonistic personality, it may not happen.
Pros in a She-Cat -
Shyness - "I love it, especially if they're a little timid!"
Curiosity - "I really love it when cats are curious about me, asking questions...even though I usually don't answer them. Cat and mouse, you see."
Weaker - "Being stronger than the girl makes me feel much safer."
Well Mannered - "I don't really like when others don't comply with me, and I don't appreciate a huffy cat, a polite feline is much more appealing."
Innocent - "Naive cats are so desired."
Cons in a She-cat -
Stubborn - "I can't exactly work with stubborn cats, not very well, that is...if they don't do what I say, I may have to resolve to force."
Bossy - "She better not tell me what to do, and if she tries to MAKE me do'll be a regretful thing."
Obnoxious - "Cat's that are too loud, too spastic, too's not attractive."
Flirtatious with other males - "I don't play nice with other males, and if she does, I'm not going to be happy."
Signs of Infatuation - More close physical contct, you'll probably see his hedonistic side coming out, more passion, more emotion.
Carried Traits - Because Astrophel is a male calico, he can't have kittens-- though he wants them later on in life.
It was gray, but not from smoke, but from rain. "It's nice looking up at the sky and not seeing smoke and ash." she said with a little laugh that held no humor. "But, it must be hard for you all, too. Without the sun and all. And the wetness must make it hard for exploring....and, hunting. Makes things slippery and the rain slows you down." she added, remembering he was a Hunter. She looked at his necklace which held his ability stone, but she simply didn't see what element he was. Was it simply dark, or did he have it backwards? That was smart. But she was curious now.
| / / | Annora |
"So well behaved, so well taken care of, beautiful and white and shimmering-- she was lovely company, and she even grew three pretty little flowers for me. I appreciated how charmingly contained and scared she was when I met her, and I do hope I meet her again."
| / | Fala |
| / | Ainsley |
"She's a sweet thing, an Eastern Crafter, too. Nice girls like her shouldn't be out in the forest at midnight."
| / / | Andus |
| / | Kaa |
"Kaa is one cat that I don't particularly respect, due to his shifting emotions and instability. It's simply unbecoming and unreliable. But he told me that I couldn't have'd think it would make me dislike him, but I accepted it. He gave me a new hope, anyways, a new and true plan to get the daughters I so deeply desire. Yes, thank you, Kaa."
| / / | Orianna |
"Oh, she's certainly a fake one. She was sweet, and happy, and for a Bounty Hunter, too-- it was admirable. She even helped me train. I don't mind her too mind, as as far as she knows, I like her."
| | Annabella |
"She's a strange one, isn't she?
Orientation - Demi-Heterosexual Heteromantic
Mate - None yet!
Looking For - Quick flings are just fine with Astro, and he'll do...physical things just for the sensual pleasure, but to be actually sexually attracted to a female he has to have that attachment to her first-- trust, you know? Lasting relationships sound nice, but with Astrophel's hedonistic personality, it may not happen.
Pros in a She-Cat -
Shyness - "I love it, especially if they're a little timid!"
Curiosity - "I really love it when cats are curious about me, asking questions...even though I usually don't answer them. Cat and mouse, you see."
Weaker - "Being stronger than the girl makes me feel much safer."
Well Mannered - "I don't really like when others don't comply with me, and I don't appreciate a huffy cat, a polite feline is much more appealing."
Innocent - "Naive cats are so desired."
Cons in a She-cat -
Stubborn - "I can't exactly work with stubborn cats, not very well, that is...if they don't do what I say, I may have to resolve to force."
Bossy - "She better not tell me what to do, and if she tries to MAKE me do'll be a regretful thing."
Obnoxious - "Cat's that are too loud, too spastic, too's not attractive."
Flirtatious with other males - "I don't play nice with other males, and if she does, I'm not going to be happy."
Signs of Infatuation - More close physical contct, you'll probably see his hedonistic side coming out, more passion, more emotion.
Carried Traits - Because Astrophel is a male calico, he can't have kittens-- though he wants them later on in life.
"Wash It All Away", a RP between Cricket and TheCandyDragon's Avalanche, The-Brightest-Shadow.
Cricket stayed quiet after he mentioned the grass and shared in his little moment of silence. Cricket had almost forgot what fresh air actually smelled like. It was nice to breathe and not cough or sneezing or tearing up from the ash and smoke lingering in the air. She kept looking fondly at the willow tree and the grass and plants around the area, and only looked back at Avalanche when he spoke up about hearing of the weird weather. She wondered why he wouldn't have paid attention. When Cricket heard news of another Region, she was listening up. Maybe it was a Searcher thing of hers, or maybe she was just nosy. Maybe both. But she kept listening to him silently until he mentioned the fire again, and she nodded sadly. "Yeah." she meowed in her high pitched tone, her voice cracking a bit as she spoke. She was a little thirsty. She paused for a moment and looked to the sky.
"Wash It All Away", a RP between Cricket and TheCandyDragon's Avalanche, The-Brightest-Shadow.
Cricket stayed quiet after he mentioned the grass and shared in his little moment of silence. Cricket had almost forgot what fresh air actually smelled like. It was nice to breathe and not cough or sneezing or tearing up from the ash and smoke lingering in the air. She kept looking fondly at the willow tree and the grass and plants around the area, and only looked back at Avalanche when he spoke up about hearing of the weird weather. She wondered why he wouldn't have paid attention. When Cricket heard news of another Region, she was listening up. Maybe it was a Searcher thing of hers, or maybe she was just nosy. Maybe both. But she kept listening to him silently until he mentioned the fire again, and she nodded sadly. "Yeah." she meowed in her high pitched tone, her voice cracking a bit as she spoke. She was a little thirsty. She paused for a moment and looked to the sky.
It was gray, but not from smoke, but from rain. "It's nice looking up at the sky and not seeing smoke and ash." she said with a little laugh that held no humor. "But, it must be hard for you all, too. Without the sun and all. And the wetness must make it hard for exploring....and, hunting. Makes things slippery and the rain slows you down." she added, remembering he was a Hunter. She looked at his necklace which held his ability stone, but she simply didn't see what element he was. Was it simply dark, or did he have it backwards? That was smart. But she was curious now.
Skype | Yes, ask me.
Notes | Yes, I love note roleplaying! Fine with me!
Chat | I like notes better, but I suppose chat is alright.
PG | Yes!
PG13 | Yes.
M | Depends on the situation. Gore, yes; sexual, in time.
o Execution - "That's one thing that I don't want to happen to me...that would be so dishonorable."
o Being Alone - "I'd never want to be alone, I couldn't be, I'd never let that happen."
o Berries - "I like sweet tastes, what can I say? I could eat berries forever."
o Flowers and Scented Things - "Sensual smells and aromas, ah-- nothing's better."
o Smooth Surfaces - "Any kind of smooth surface is amazing to the touch, to me, especially slick watery rocks. That's my favorite."
o Cool Days - "And if it's a cool day with clouds, I like it even more."
o Wind - "Cool breezes brushing through your fur...another amazing feeling."
o High Ranks - "As a Follower, the high ranks aren't the greatest to me-- they think they're all insane and tough. I don't like them."
o Hot - "I can't stand heat, especially the sun beating down on you."
o Insects - "I have really long fur, so they'll climb all on me and got stuck in grosses me out just thinking about it."
o Rebelious Cats - "Especially when they disboey me. Then it's personal, when cats don't do what I say."
o Bane - "My mother never believed or liked Bane, and I don't either. No, it's a secret, but I believe in Andromeda...though, I bet I disappoint her by being a Follower. Whatever."
o Astrophel is often seen out at night, stargazing. His name rings true.
o Astrophel doesn't get along well with other males, and prefers the company of females.
o Most of Astrophel's spells are used for tormenting other cats.
o Astrophel is unable to have kittens, but he wants them-- also, he doesn't know that he's sterile.
o Astrophel secretly believes in Andromeda, and his mother Philomel does, too.
o Astrophel grooms himself often.
Art(c) - Prince-Crow
Character(c) - CallyKitten
Group -
Notes | Yes, I love note roleplaying! Fine with me!
Chat | I like notes better, but I suppose chat is alright.
PG | Yes!
PG13 | Yes.
M | Depends on the situation. Gore, yes; sexual, in time.
o Execution - "That's one thing that I don't want to happen to me...that would be so dishonorable."
o Being Alone - "I'd never want to be alone, I couldn't be, I'd never let that happen."
o Berries - "I like sweet tastes, what can I say? I could eat berries forever."
o Flowers and Scented Things - "Sensual smells and aromas, ah-- nothing's better."
o Smooth Surfaces - "Any kind of smooth surface is amazing to the touch, to me, especially slick watery rocks. That's my favorite."
o Cool Days - "And if it's a cool day with clouds, I like it even more."
o Wind - "Cool breezes brushing through your fur...another amazing feeling."
o High Ranks - "As a Follower, the high ranks aren't the greatest to me-- they think they're all insane and tough. I don't like them."
o Hot - "I can't stand heat, especially the sun beating down on you."
o Insects - "I have really long fur, so they'll climb all on me and got stuck in grosses me out just thinking about it."
o Rebelious Cats - "Especially when they disboey me. Then it's personal, when cats don't do what I say."
o Bane - "My mother never believed or liked Bane, and I don't either. No, it's a secret, but I believe in Andromeda...though, I bet I disappoint her by being a Follower. Whatever."
o Astrophel is often seen out at night, stargazing. His name rings true.
o Astrophel doesn't get along well with other males, and prefers the company of females.
o Most of Astrophel's spells are used for tormenting other cats.
o Astrophel is unable to have kittens, but he wants them-- also, he doesn't know that he's sterile.
o Astrophel secretly believes in Andromeda, and his mother Philomel does, too.
o Astrophel grooms himself often.
Art(c) - Prince-Crow
Character(c) - CallyKitten
Group -
Image size
2000x1500px 3.21 MB
© 2015 - 2024 CallyKitten
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Amg, this guy is gonna annoy the hell outa Xixa xD
Xixa: Please don't come close to me =_=
Xixa: Please don't come close to me =_=