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CallMePlisskin's avatar

Alynnya - Urk not a think ork.



As a thank you for the very warm welcome I've received since rediscovering my account, here's a pic of new girl Alynnya in a little bit o' peril. I'm working up to doing colours again with my new software and I think this first shaded piece looks pretty reasonable.

Some of you may be wondering "why Alynnya and not Claire / Leena / Aki?" and the answer to that is I'm really enjoying this new character because she's made up of the original trio. She's heroic and virtuous like Claire, kicks arse like Leena (although she's a sword and shield girl instead of plasma cannon) and has a fun side from Aki. 

Massive thank you to everybody who's been commenting, favouriting and generally being awesome.
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1200x1839px 463.77 KB
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batgirl1969's avatar
I think they should eat her.....