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RWBY OC Crossover/meme: Never hit Girls!!!



That felt good! *adjusts fist with a smile* 

The old Connor might've let it slide, but since  Connor is more chivalrist and this is Sai, one of the guys on Connor's list, he finds an excuse to hit him! Plus, this is Ruby Rose, so...yeah! Got the idea after seeing a post from Sai on facebook and seeing lots of pictures of smacking Ruby, Port, and Mercury (which I made, but with blood effect :D) and made this when I was finally able to sleep (been up for over 24 hours, so yeah...stuff like that happens).

It Was Actually Sai! [RWBY OC Meme]

RWBY and Ruby Rose (c) :iconmontyoum: , Sai Crescent (c) :iconco-swagster:
Image size
480x539px 286.18 KB
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gillspar's avatar
Ruby: "RUBY SMASH!!"