Calaymo on DeviantArt

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Calaymo's avatar

Realism Tutorial - Esp::Eng



Hola amigos! Aqui les traigo otro tutorial rápido para pintar un pimiento en sólo 20 min y con 2 capas.
Además de ser tanto para tableta como para ratón.
Espero que les guste y les sea de utilidad.

Hola amigos! Here I bring you another quick tutorial to paint a pepper in just 20 min and with 2 layers.
Besides being both tablet and mouse.
Hope you like them and be useful.

:star: Reference >>> [link]
:star: Final Work:

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800x5669px 1.37 MB
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Thank you for this masterpiece. I wonder how you paint it like you paint it with your hand! I didn't do it when I try to do this. Colours seems so awful when I tried to make it. Is it any secret to paint it like you? :)