(Icon by AngryMothNoises / BG by Ghost-ily )
24 / CS Enthusiast / Married! Carrd Here
Hiya!! My name is Cal! I'm also known a bit well on FlightRising as Calavir (192765). I'm an artist that's very interested in closed species and fantasy creatures in general.
My fursona is Juliet Dyer-Wolfe! If you ever want to draw something for me, please pick anything from here!
YO DO YOU REMEBER ME? I WAS ON INSTAGRAM AND MADE THAT DRAGON PONY SPECIES. i just found this deviant art and had old memeories
https://toyhou.se/1371874.tzelarin-tzel-arin-aaron HOW COULD I FORGET YOU? HERE, TAKE A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE AND CHECK OUT TZEL’S TOYHOUSE
and i found my old accounts password lol
Heya, just thought I’d let you know that your art is amazing! I hope you have a superb day!!!
Thank you so much!!
hihi so sorry to bother-- but ive moved to @FERRET-CORE just thought id let my watchers know-- sorry again sobss