CageyJay on DeviantArt

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CageyJay's avatar

Shout It Out



Part of Liliy's "Shout it Out" project. Every word of this guaranteed 100% true. (Beware: full-view size somewhat large.)

This pretty much lists everything I don't usually let other people know about me, whether for shame, pride, or other reason of possible rejection. Wanna know what this is all about? Here's Liliy's journal explaining the project: [link]

Here's her deviation that started it all [Edit3-- and earned her a well-deserved Daily Deviation]: [link]

[Edit 5 [Edit--This project has gotten huge. The second page of Shouts in Liliy's Journal: [link] ]
[Edit2-- The third page of Shouts in Liliy's Journal: [link] ]
[Edit4-- The likely fourth page of Shouts: [link] ]
All SIOs now included in the group accessed through badge at right.]

It actually does feel somewhat good, if somewhat nerve-wracking, to get this off my shoulders. Now it's up to you whether this puts you off of me. :)
Image size
3295x2562px 1.63 MB
© 2007 - 2024 CageyJay
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SirCrashIII's avatar
I love shout art! Its awesome. :)