Favourite genre of music: R&B, Baroque, Hip Hop, Pop, Bardic Shell of choice: bash Wallpaper of choice: Depends what mood I'm in Skin of choice: Depends what mood I'm in Favourite cartoon character: Edna Mode
I've suddenly been flooded with llamas lately. I thought it was because people liked my work (like a fav), but apparently it's some kind of trade and I got put on a list without my knowledge. I don't want to offend anyone but I would like to be taken off it please. I really don't understand the whole llama thing - I thought it was like a fav for someone's work overall. I'm just really confused
I am sorry to report that my beloved pusscat Medb (featured in many of my deviations) passed away on 26/09/2011. She died at home in the sun of renal faliure surrounded by the whole family. I will miss her always.
Russell T Davies has just ruined my favourite show of all time!!!!
I am absolutely LIVID!Join the protest: