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cactiss's avatar

PB and J - Dumpling Dragon Adopt



The first dumpling after the change in ownership! I've had this guy saved for a good while but just now got round to posting him /)v(\

Auction Rules:
- Reply to the highest bidder/Bid in chain!
- Reply to the original bidding comment if you are planning to AB
- Do not harass other bidders! (e.g. guilting/complaining/etc.)
- Paypal(USD) and Points accepted.
- Bid only with funds you have!
- Payment must be sent within 24 hrs of winning the auction.
- Read the Terms of Service before purchasing!

STARTING BID: $5/500 Points
AUTOBUY: $35/3500 Points

Auction ends 24 hrs (1 day) after the last bid.

Bidding Chain:…

Bought by: 

Gif Peanut Butter Peanut ButterGif Peanut Butter 

Bullet; Purple Normal Ears 
Bullet; Purple Common Bag o Spice 
Bullet; Purple Common Savory Scent
Bullet; Purple Common Tail
Bullet; Purple Common trail aroma 
Bullet; Purple Common Rope Style
Bullet; Yellow Lore gooey texture
Bullet; Pink Rare Shaped eyes
Bullet; Purple Common Scent form  

Rarity: Uncommon 

Dumpling Dragons ©: cactiss  
Art & Designs ©: cactiss 


Image size
571x471px 165.42 KB
© 2017 - 2024 cactiss
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superpeachadopts's avatar
I'm weeping //
I thought the poor dumpling was sliced through the middle, but then I saw the title. 
However, they're so cute!!