The prayercabotinecco on DeviantArt

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cabotinecco's avatar

The prayer



I couldn't see anything,But I could hear...

"Father,please forgive my crime.You lead the right way in early morning, you are my beacon light in the darkness.Although i don't know either the light of color or the description of brightness.But father,please grant peace and warmth to my heart.Perhaps I will die,but I am not lonely,my little child who never coming into the world, just before me to enter the heaven first...I am bleeding...the pain will be short...
Father,please forgive my crime,please forgive the child."

Some people are pursuing me, but I have been exhausted.They are seeking me everywhere ,want to hold me, then sell me off.

I feel hurt, I am present, I could see the child just died , the trimester of pregnancy, the child never coming into the world...If he could be born,must be lovable, like his father ...
Drawn in PhotoShop CS with a Wacom Tablet
original res about 2362x4252.
Use no "photo ref" for the girl,they all from my mind,the hand's model is mine!Well hope you’ll like it.
Image size
2362x4252px 1.28 MB
© 2008 - 2024 cabotinecco
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LightArcIndumati's avatar
Very beautiful...shall watch!