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CabinTom's avatar

HoneyComb Script



Finally! ... finally... another 3 weeks or so, and I should be back in steady business... until then exhaustion!

This script is pretty self explanatory and simple. Overlay adds a final transform. If you choose no, on the other hand, it will add a regular transform. Scaling up the final transform will make the HoneyComb 'cells' smaller. Umm... that's all I can think of right now.

Need sleep.


EDIT! : If you've been getting errors from this it is probably because you need to have the tri-boarders2 plugin installed.

Still need sleep.
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shyboyshy's avatar
hi can you help im using apophysis 2.09 and looking for scripts that will run on it. will yours run on it. and if so how do I download them. if not do you know where I can get some scripts regards mark