C-quel on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/c-quel/art/Ubunchu-Wallpaper-1-122618871C-quel

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Ubunchu Wallpaper 1



The first in a series of Ubunchu wallpapers, featuring Risa the lovable young Mac user who also seconds as an Ubuntu promoter (for the sake of peace and [prosperity in the System Admin's Club). ^.^

Thanks are in order to :iconseotch: for creating such awesome and iconic characters. ^^

In the spirit of Seotch-san's original generosity in making his manga source files accessible, the source SVG for the above image is also available to download, modify and distribute per the CC-BY-SA license:


Just be sure that if you plan to change the background, don't forget to change her lighting patterns accordingly. After all, a bright blue sky background wouldn't bathe her in the same orange hue lighting as it does above. ^____^;
Image size
2000x1500px 1.48 MB
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